> Making the helper <b>Frobnicate</b> requires the user to authenticate. The
> authorization is kept for the life time of the process
> frobnicate - /frob'ni-kayt/ (Possibly from frobnitz, and usually abbreviated
> to frob, but "frobnicate" is recognised as the official full form). To
> manipulate or adjust, to tweak. One frequently frobs bits or other 2-state
> devices. Thus: "Please frob the light switch" (that is, flip it), but also
> "Stop frobbing that clasp; you'll break it". One also sees the construction
> "to frob a frob".

O de «frob» téñoo atopado en kde, pero agora mesmo non che podo dicir
onde, era algo dunha conexión cun servizo remoto. Deixeino como

A tradución neste caso quedaría como «Construir of Frob auxiliar
require que o usuario se autentique. Esta autorización será válida
mentres dure o proceso.»

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