
Eu non teño conta en Ubuntu, xa que non a renovei cando no seu momento
se pediu non aparecer ahí para non estropear as estatísticas de
Ubuntu, que apareceran as persoas que realmente traducían. Desde que
estou con Mozilla, non volvín a colaborar con Ubuntu de forma directa,
si de forma indirecta, como por exemplo traducindo algunha cousa
nalgún fiadeiro.

As cadeas son poucas, ou iso me aparece a min.

Usando Transvision, ao mellor podedes ver como foron traducidas.



2013/4/6 Miguel Bouzada <mbouz...@gmail.com>:
> @keko
> Sería cousa de tarducir isto?
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Wanted/FirefoxDesktop?action=diff&rev2=100&rev1=99
> Hi fellow translators,
> I’ve noticed that thanks to the always awesome Chris Coulson (kudos!),
> the newly landed Firefox 20 update, as it includes per-window private
> browsing, added a new quicklist entry to its Unity Launcher icon,
> which is “Open a New Private Window”. [1]
> I’ve already updated the relevant wiki page [2], adding the new string
> to the table. Your help filling it out would be much appreciated by
> Ubuntu users! :-)
> --
> Adolfo
>  [1]: Finally fixing http://pad.lv/974146 :-)
>  [2]:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Wanted/FirefoxDesktop?action=diff&rev2=100&rev1=99
> --
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