On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 11:18 AM, Miguel Bouzada <mbouz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Aínda que é outro uso, coméntoo para telo en conta cando se discuta:
> One of our translators reported that he had trouble understanding an English
> phrase in the 0.4 translation text: "%i matches (wrapped)"
> "(wrapped)" means the Find operation has wrapped around (gone from the
> bottom of the document to the top again). We'll make a translation note for
> next time.

Isto aparece en Gedit como "Wrap around" e traduciuse como "Dar a volta".

> Nota: neste caso é no xestor de correo «Geary»


> 2013/9/13 Leandro Regueiro <leandro.regue...@gmail.com>
>> On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 11:37 AM, Miguel Bouzada <mbouz...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > http://cryptography.wikia.com/wiki/Key_Wrap
>> >
>> > «Key Wrap constructions are a class of symmetric encryption algorithms
>> > designed to encapsulate (encrypt) cryptographic key material. The Key
>> > Wrap
>> > algorithms are intended for applications such as (a) protecting keys
>> > while
>> > in untrusted storage, or (b) transmitting keys over untrusted
>> > communications
>> > networks. The constructions are typically built from standard primitives
>> > such as block ciphers and cryptographic hash functions.
>> >
>> > Key Wrap may be considered as a form of key encapsulation algorithm,
>> > although it should not be confused with the more commonly-known
>> > asymmetric
>> > (public-key) Key Encapsulation algorithms (e.g., PSEC-KEM). Key Wrap
>> > algorithms can be used in a similar application: to securely transport a
>> > session key by encrypting it under a long-term encryption key.»
>> >
>> > a miña proposta: empaquetado/encapsulado de chave(s)
>> >
>> >
>> > 2013/9/12 Antón Méixome <cert...@certima.net>
>> >>
>> >> Como traducir esta técnica dos procesos de cifrado? Non hai moito onde
>> >> mirar
>> >>
>> >>       (What is key wrapping? ○ Encrypting a key with another key. ○We
>> >> focus on symmetric encryption. ○ Used mostly for key management.)
>> >>
>> >> Propoño, se é que non choca con algún outro sentido de "encapsular"
>> >>
>> >>       wrapping key = encapsulamento de chave
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Outras alternativas
>> >>
>> >> chave empaquetada/embalada/cifrada
>> Despois de confrontar as opcións eu persoalmente quedaría con «chave
>> embalada»/«embalaxe de chave» dependendo do que mellor acaia. Mirar a
>> primeira acepción de
>> http://www.realacademiagalega.org/dicionario#loadNoun.do?current_page=1&id=312153
>> Por certo, «chave» (si, usástelo ben) é o termo correcto aquí. Mireino
>> porque me entrou a dúbida.
>> Deica
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