On Mon, 6 Jan 2003, Justin Johnson wrote:
> After a new install, my computer fails to sync to the ntpd server
> (time.nist.gov).  After booting up, if I configure it via gnome, it
> syncs fine and corrects my time, but after rebooting it errors upon
> sync again.

This is unrelated to your question, but:

Please keep in mind that time.nist.gov is a stratum 1 server.  You
should only configure a machine to use time.nist.gov if that machine
is going to be a stratum 2 server, and will provide NTP service to 100
clients or more.

These guidelines are covered in the "Public NTP Time Servers Rules of


(If you know all this and are setting up a stratum 2 server for your
site, then I apologize; it's just that your message gave me the
impression that you might be an end user who was being unintentionally
antisocial by using a stratum 1 server solely for your own PC.)

James Ralston, Information Technology
Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

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