Hello all

To try and keep all of our lives sane, I'd like to only have one conference 
call a week.  Let's call it the conference for accessible audio and music 
production with macintosh computers.  This way we can cover all of the topics 
that people want to talk about.  I would broaden it to more things yet, like 
windows and linux stuff, but you've got to stop somewhere so for now just mac 
related stuff.  Vinny Chuck and I have been talking about when to hold these 
calls.  It's really hard to find the right time so for now we're going to stick 
with Thursdays.  I'd like to throw in a Saturday afternoon call in once in a 
while for folks who can't make anything mid week.  

So we will see you guys tomorrow at 3:00 eastern US to talk about pro tools, 
logic and garageband.

We will hold Saturday calls on the 5th and 12th of Feb for those who want to 
plan ahead.

phone: +1 (973) 400-6137 ext 11782
sipreg:anyuser:anypassw...@provisioning.djernes.net then dial 11782

Please try to stay muted when your not speaking.  When you enter the conference 
you are muted by default.  To mute and unmute dial zero.  It would be nice for 
as many of us as possible to come in sip for the wideband audio.


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