Thanks for all this but a few more questions. Can I get a trial
version of PT 9 from someware to try it out? The MBP has only one
firewire port, how would I connect a hard drive and my sound card, can
you dazy chane them? What would be better a SSD drive or a external
7200 RPM drive? I use focusrite cards, they have software called
safire mix control, one uses it to control the sound card the sample
rates and internal routing, do you know if this software is
accessible? You guys asked what I record, for now I mostly record
small stuff never more than 8 tracks at a time and never use a lot of
plug ins while mixing, only EQ dynamics and maybe a effect on vocals.
I want to however record 24 track in the future but by that time I'll
hopefully have the money to upgrade my mac to whatever I need then.
Scott Chesworth wrote:
> Woah, somehow I didn't know they did 7200 bus powered drives! Gotta get me 
> one!
> On 4/5/11, Frank Carmickle <> wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > On Apr 5, 2011, at 8:05 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote:
> > Snip...
> >> Tricky to say whether a Mac mini would do the job without knowing what
> >> you record. If you can give us more of an idea of where you're headed
> >> with PT once you've made the switch, we'll probably be able to help
> >> more.
> >>
> >
> > I'd say a mac mini isn't the best thing.  It is definitely a lot cheeper.  I
> > think the sweet spot right now is the 13 inch MBP with the 2.7 dual core i7.
> >  Remember you can't run a mac mini with out a monitor.  I was hoping I
> > could.  I've run my linux boxes for years with out monitors.  The mini only
> > comes in a 2.66 core 2 duo as the fastest chip.  The change to the i3/i5/i7
> > architecture alone is a major jump in performance per clock cycle.  I'm sure
> > that you would be alright with a mac mini until you got in to running lots
> > of demanding plugins.  I just went and priced the mac mini at the apple
> > store.  With 8 gb of ram the 2.66 chip it's $1149.  I'm pretty sure that the
> > internal disk, which is a 320 gb, is a 5400 rpm.  Applications will load
> > pretty slowly.  My wife has last years mac mini and it doesn't bother her to
> > much.  Just depends on what your willing to put up with.  A MBP 13 will the
> > 2.7 and 8 gb of ram will run you just over 2k.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >> Yup, tracking to an external drive is always recommended. Firewire has
> >> better thruput than USB2 even if the latter seems faster on paper in
> >> terms of transfer rates, so go for an external Firewire drive. Make
> >> sure it's running at at least 7200 rpm (most of the desktop drives
> >> that are externally powered do), and you should be good to go.
> >
> > You don't need to get a externally power 3.5 drive.  The bus powered 7200
> > rpm 2.5 firewire 800 drives are great.
> >
> > HTH
> > --FC
> >
> >

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