
I finally decided to buy a mac to learn Protool. After going through list archive, it seems like control surface makes a lot easier for us to use Protool. I'm looking at a few choices, and I'm wondering if someone can help me to choose a right equipment. Digi 003, M-Audio ProjectMix I/O, Mackie Control Universal Pro, Euphonix Artist Mix, and Digidesign Command 8 I'm looking for something less than $1500. Also, It's not critical, but I'd love to be able to use it on Windows as well since I haven't entirely given up on Sonar yet. Also hopefully on Logic when Logic becomes more accessible. I have RME fireface 800, so the audio interface combo is not a huge factor.
Would any of them fit my criteria?
Lastly, can you get Protool 9 with Digi 003? It seems like Digi 003 comes with Protool 8 LE.
Thanks for all your help.


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