Sometimes turning Vo off (command f5) and then back on again will clear it up 
when an ap keeps saying “busy.”

From: Chris Norman 
Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 3:44 AM
Subject: Re: Protools busy and interacting?

Hiya mate, 
I get Pro Tools busy quite a lot as well, are you using Lion? I am, and I'm not 
sure the support is really there. Not sure if that's fixed in PT 10 or not, but 
I have to treat it a bit gently at the minute.

I don't know as you can do what you wanted to do with moving up and down the 
tracks, but what you can do (I believe), is record safe all tracks. Not sure if 
I've got the wrong end of the stick or what, but I thought that disarmed all 
tracks. A quick test mind you, is to hit record, if you have any tracks armed, 
it'll go to record. If none of them are, it'll error, telling you that no 
tracks are record-enabled. I know it's not much, but it's useful 3/10 times LOL.

Hope this helps, and sorry I can't help more. Still pretty new to this stuff 


Take care,
Chris Norman
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Feel free to follow my music, either by following @cnproject on Twitter 
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On 29 Feb 2012, at 00:34, John Boral wrote:

  Thanks Chuck, I'll try the gray bar tonight. Can you tell me if you've
  ever gotten a Protools Busy message that doesn't stop unless you
  force  quit? I'm getting it often lately. Also, maybe you can help
  with 2 other things, #1 I frequently get  apple menu is under the
  mouse no matter how things are routed. I believe it's because the VO
  cursor is in a place that the mouse can't follow. What are the proper
  commands to fit everything on the screen, somebody talked about a
  scroll in to view, is that it? #2 Is there something quick that can
  let you see 1 aspect of many tracks, for example, any way of knowing
  the status of solo, mute, record, read, write, latch, touch as you
  move up and down? Like if you have 24 tracks just hitting down arrow
  in the automation field and hearing off, off, off, read, read, latch,
  touch etc. Or scrolling down a part that would say, the track name and
  record on or record off as you go through each track. The way I'm
  doing  it now is interacting with each track and I have to go through
  each column 1 by 1 to hear the state of where things are.

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