Hi all I was wondering if the pro tools accessibility sits in the pro
tools version or in the OS version. For example if I install PT 9 on a
machine with OS 10.5.8 Leopard, would I have the same accessibility
than if I install PT 9 on a machine with OS 10.6.8 snow leopard or
10.7 Lion? I know there was a lot of VO improvements when OS 10.6 was
released and and you'll ask why not just upgrade the OS 10.5.8 machine
in question to Snow Leopard or Lion, well it's not my mac and the
people who's it is doesn't want to upgrade it like a lot of sound
people they believe if it's not broken why try to fix it. They believe
snow leopard or Lion arn't stable enough yet, it's the same as a lot
of people still running their recording machines on windows xp.

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