As far as Pro Tools is concerned, it's the same level of accessibility. Any 
differences would purely be in any features in VoiceOver between operating 



On Mar 5, 2012, at 1:07 PM, Nickus de Vos wrote:

> Hi all I was wondering if the pro tools accessibility sits in the pro
> tools version or in the OS version. For example if I install PT 9 on a
> machine with OS 10.5.8 Leopard, would I have the same accessibility
> than if I install PT 9 on a machine with OS 10.6.8 snow leopard or
> 10.7 Lion? I know there was a lot of VO improvements when OS 10.6 was
> released and and you'll ask why not just upgrade the OS 10.5.8 machine
> in question to Snow Leopard or Lion, well it's not my mac and the
> people who's it is doesn't want to upgrade it like a lot of sound
> people they believe if it's not broken why try to fix it. They believe
> snow leopard or Lion arn't stable enough yet, it's the same as a lot
> of people still running their recording machines on windows xp.

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