Ok first off, to clear up some confusion. ProTOols 9 and ProTools9 MP do come 
with an ilok  with the PT liscense already on it. It's HD that comes with a 
blank iLok and you have to put the liscense on it. As for the next issue. You 
can install PT9 on lion and then update to version 9.05 to get it lion 
compatible and it should work find then. I did this very thing  with two macs 
that are running lion myself. My advise to you.Find out what the ID, Serial#, 
and Release codes are that are on the registration card taht came with your 
DVDs. Call Avid, enter in the appropriate info from the phone keypad when 
prompted and unlock your 60 days of free tech support. Then when you get human, 
have them remote into your system and do it for you. Not sure where the issue 
lies, could be a faulty dvdas was mentioned in a previous email, but rest 
assured it s possible. Or just pay for the PT 10 upgrade. I know i have seen 
upgrade pricing for PT 9 MP, PT 9, and PT 9 HD.
On Mar 28, 2012, at 9:33 PM, Slau Halatyn <slauhala...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Chris,
> I'm afraid I can't suggest anything other than to speak with your Sweetwater 
> rep and Avid. I've never herd of an iLok with an authorization pre-installed 
> either. I'm also not familiar with your specific flavor of Pro Tools, 
> unfortunately. From what you're saying, it appears that you might have a 
> damaged DVD as well. Hang in there and be patient. See what the folks say 
> tomorrow.
> Best,
> Slau
> On Mar 28, 2012, at 9:02 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>> Slao,
>> I managed to go to my ilok account and sure enough, now I'm seeing I have 
>> one ilok tied to my account, and it does show Protools pt9's license is 
>> indeed on it.
>> The strange bizarre thing though is the 9.05 updater keeps failing in Lion 
>> when I run it.
>> I also am noticing that the dvd which is 9.0 is being very problimatic. It's 
>> not installing hardly at all.  It keeps failing.
>> Once I get it to install, I'm going around and around in circles as I then 
>> try before even openning PT V 9.0, to install the 9.5 updater.  This wasn't 
>> download from my avid.com account.  I'm honestly not totally szure where the 
>> guy at Sweetwater got it.  It was on the Avid web site but I don't know 
>> where as he had control of my system with Team Meeting and just basically 
>> did it for me.
>> The bizarre thing is, we did use the yellow registration card  included in 
>> the box, with the ID, serial, and release code.
>> That card doesn't have an activation number.  I think that's cause the ILok 
>> already had the license asset on it.  I guess once I actually added the Ilok 
>> to my ilok.com account, it syncronized and added the license into my 
>> ilok.com web account.  It just totally is baffling me now that the license 
>> is there on the ilok  dongle, why on earth is it that when I try running the 
>> 9.05 updater does it either 1, fail, or 2, if I re-run it after it fails, 
>> even after rebooting my mac, it keeps saying no valid Protools installation 
>> found.  If I then look under /applications in my Finder, then go to 
>> /digidesign/ProTools, I see protools Utilities.app, but I don't see the 
>> Protools mp.app that used to be there before I ran the updater.
>> The weird thing too is, if I go to:
>> http://www.avid.com
>> Then I click on My Account, log in with my credentials, then go to download 
>> and activate my products, it wants an activation code.  Well, I can't do 
>> that because the MAudio version doesn't have! an activation code.  You don't 
>> need one!  It's already there on the dongle that you get inside the box that 
>> they bundle with it.  I didn't have to go buy the thing from ilok.com.  I 
>> already got this one with the asset included.  Anyway, no downloads show up. 
>> If I then click home, I'm returned to the Manage account page.  From here, 
>> if I click on Your Products, it tells me no downloads found.
>> So, it's not like I can get the full 9.5 installer, not just the updater.
>> I'm just totally beside myself in perplexion.  I mean, this really makes no 
>> sense!  What new nuance am I missing here!
>> Your urgent help is greatly appreciated.
>> If you have a minute, I'll off list e-mail you my number.
>> Maybe we together can figure out what the heck is going on!  Also, anyone 
>> else feel free to chime in as well, if you have an idea.
>> Remember, I do not have SnowLeopard and this was not previously ever 
>> installed on SL.  I do have my SL install DVD's, but God forbid, I really 
>> don't wanna go back to SL just! to get PT installed and updated.  I mean, 
>> ok, I'll do it as a very last resort, but...
>> Wy didn't I get V 10 of PT, I have no idea!  Christopher Geissler told me, 
>> from Sweetwater that being this is MP version, I can't freely upgrade to V10.
>> It's not that I find SW a bad company, but I'm starting to wonder if MP9 
>> can't be installed directly clean on Lion correctly.  If you install it on 
>> SL, then update to 9.05, then update to Lion, I'm wonderring if that's how 
>> you gotta do it.
>> I'm sorry to be so  lengthy, I'm just throwing a few theories out for us all 
>> to consider.  I kind a wish that this had more thoroughly been researched, 
>> as everyone I asked at SW told me yes, out of the box, they're not gonna 
>> give you a version of PT that won't run on Lion, being that's the latest up 
>> to date OS.  FYI: I'm starting to wonder if they're wrong.
>> Again, I'm not blaming them, I just wonder if the research wasn't thoroughly 
>> done on their part.  After Christopher called me back tonight, he begged for 
>> my mercy, at around 8:30, and said he had to leave as his wife was texting 
>> him yoddie yoddie yodda, then gives me this long story about how he is gonna 
>> be upgrading to a mac but knows nothing about Protools on the Mac, as he 
>> always did it on the PC.  Why would he sell me something for a mac, if he 
>> doesn't know the setup process himself?  That makes me extremely angry!
>> Anyway, enough of that.  Again, not complaining, I'm simply saying I'm very 
>> disappointed.
>> I probably won't be going through them again for future products, but that's 
>> neither here nor there.
>> Chris. 

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