Ok, Sonar Switcher, I appreciate it, will be trying here soon, I hope. It is Sunday and I got a nice to do list this afternoon that will probably keep me busy for a few hours. You guys are the ones making this transition even possible, thanks very much. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Sonar Switcher" <iamablanksl...@yahoo.com>
To: "Pro Tools Accessibility" <ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 11:59 AM
Subject: Re: Issue with Record keystroke

Hi, there are key commands that the Mac OS uses that are the same as
PT. This will fix it. Go to the apple menu and choose System
Preferences. Interact with the Preference Pains. Find Spotlight. Click
on it and scroll around until you find keyboard shortcut. Make sure
it's unchecked, right now it is checked so you have to uncheck it.
Also, make sure there is nothing in any of the boxes for the shortcut
such as F12 or command space. Once this is done go back to System
Preferences and select Expose and Spaces. Choose the first tab which
is the Expose tab. again, make sure f12 isn't checked and the same
thing for dashboard which is in that same window. The bottom line here
is you don't want command space or f12 checked because Pro Tools uses
the same keys. You'll come across this in other situations so keep it
in mind. Now to record simply hit command and space together and
you're off. In case it doesn't start for some reason you may have hit
command J at some point. If it doesn't start when you press command
space try hitting command J which is a toggle for offline recording.

Poppa Bear wrote:
Ok, I am having problems simply recording on a track. I am making sure the track is armed, the signal is moving the meater and I can even apply a plugin on the source, or not. I try pressing space bar, or Command plus space bar, and nothing. The only way it will record is by pressing Shift plus command plus space and that sets the track on a half speed type of mode and that is not a viable way to make songs. I am not sure what is going on, but I feel like I am missing a simple step here.
Thanks for any help.
Nate Kile, Cross Road Recording Studios, specializing in Mixing, Mastering and all your audio needs. www.crossroadrecording.com

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