Slau, if you go to the events menu, under tempo operations, then go to constant, for example, you'll see that the tempo value bpm field doesn't read for example. It tells you it's a numerical value text box, but try as you may, it won't tell you what it's set to.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Slau Halatyn" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 8:50 PM
Subject: Re: Pro Tools 10 and Mountain Lion

I still haven't updated my HD system to version 10 but, since I also have a 003, I decided to update my regular LE version to 10. I'd like to clear something up and I will need verification of something:

I'm running Pro Tools version 10 on Snow Leopard and there are no issues with any counter displays not reading. Now, I don't have Mountain Lion and will not run it for some time. Can someone verify, specifically, where counters are not reading properly? Even in Mountain Lion, that would be fairly strange, that is, for a text display to not read correctly. That said, technically, Mountain Lion is not approved for Pro Tools so I'm not concerned…yet.

Again, someone with Mountain Lion and Pro Tools 10, please let me know precisely where a counter display doesn't read correctly where it used to read correctly in Snow Leopard or Lion.



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