Hi all,

I have a Macbook Air here that I primarily use when I'm on the move.
Stupidly, I updated it to Mountain Lion, banking on a shaky theory
that if the move from SL to Lion didn't break accessibility, Lion to
ML probably wouldn't either. That's how well my theories work out!

So, I'm going to roll back, only question is how far? I've not used PT
on this thing yet, but it's a Core I5 1.6 GHZ with 4GB RAM and the 128
SSD, so I'm hoping it'll cope ok for editing and tweaking mixes. I've
been using GarageBand on it up until now, but as much as it's cool as
a scratch pad, we've started to fall out of love from a productivity

The furthest I can roll back officially is to Lion, as that's what the
Air shipped with. HOwever, having done a bit of research, I reckon
I've collected up the necessary extra drivers and whatnot to get Snow
Leopard up and running. It'd be extra work, but by all accounts the
battery life last around an hour longer and the benchmarks look
marginally better running SL.

Question is, has anybody noticed any differences that I should be
aware of between running PT in SL and Lion? My other machine where I
use PT is still on SL, so I haven't got any first hand experience of
PT in Lion yet.

Any advice appreciated.


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