Garage band gives you the option to add effects to the master channel.  their 
are compressors limiters and etc you can use  right with in garage band to  
accomplish this. Also there is the normalize exported files in the preferences 
you can check as well. 
On Dec 17, 2012, at 2:49 PM, Walei Sabry <> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> My name is Walei. I apologize in advance because this isn't a Protools 
> specific question but I figured if anyone would know about accessible 
> software it would be you guys. I'm sorta new at all this. I'm happy to hear 
> about all the accessibility improvements in protools. I would like to use it 
> eventually but I'm not ready to take the plunge into learning a new software 
> and spending a lot of money. I've been using Garageband for the last couple 
> of years and I've gotten pretty familiar with it. My only problem is when I 
> export a project, it comes out sounding flat and the volume is low. I've 
> figured out that this is because I need to do some post production mixing and 
> Mastering. So my question is, is there an affordable software that I can use 
> specifically for that purpose? Or perhaps I'm missing something? Could this 
> be done in Garageband? Any direction would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Walei

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