Honestly, for me, it's not a matter of compatibility. Well, ok, yeah, it is, but it's more the principle. I don't wanna cheat Apple out of their legitimate hardware. They work very hard to give us rock solid systems.

If you'd asked me this 2 years ago... even a year ago... I probably would a said, who cares, go get a hackintosh, go to a torrent site, download a crack for OSX, sideload it on the hackintosh, and then go buy PT. But, I'm sorry. Now that I do this stuff as a profession, not just a hobby, I've learned that A, that's very dishonest, and B, as Nick, Chuck, and others have said, it's not worth the time, you'd get no support from Apple nor from Avid, and, you're not guaranteed it'll work, and even it it does, as software and hardware changes, things likely could break. Maybe not easily, but, there is! still always that risk. Then, if they do, you have no support, and basically, are S O L, unless you can figure it out yourself.

Just my 2ยข worth.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Nick Gawronski" <n...@nickgawronski.com>
To: <ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2014 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: Protools in Hackintosh

Hi Chuck, I totally agree with you which is why I left it up to the
person who was asking the question as to what they want to do.  I myself
would not buy this type of setup but then that is just me.  I don't want
to buy something then find it won't work with what I have.  I am not
saying it would not work as it might work just fine and depending on
what they wish to do with the system this might be the best setup for
them.  I believe however that if you are going to spend as much as pro
tools costs you might as well get hardware that is totally supported by
Avid.  Nick Gawronski
On 8/16/2014 8:03 PM, CHUCK REICHEL wrote:
Hi Nick,
Professionals in the recording business don't have time to fool around!
You get the fastest PT compatible Mac box "and load it up with ram,
then get back to producing product!

soundpicturerecord...@gmail.com <mailto:soundpicturerecord...@gmail.com>
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Isaiah 26 : 3
 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee:
because he trusteth in thee.

In GOD I Trust

On Aug 16, 2014, at 8:23 PM, Nick Gawronski wrote:

Hi, Well I am not saying it would or would not work but support from
Avid is a no no but really if you wish to try it for yourself that is
of course your choice.  I am not saying it won't work as you might
get somewhere with it but really after all if you want to spend the
money on pro tools and take a chance it won't work that is your
choice.  My views are the user should have the choice on what
hardware they choose but as far as it being legal I don't know about
that.  I myself got a mac book pro for this very reason.  I have
total compatibility and know that both Apple and Avid support the
system.  Again I am not trying to tell you what to do as I am totally
open for a user choosing what they choose to do just saying what I
think.  Nick Gawronski
On 8/16/2014 12:55 PM, Black Wizard! wrote:
No problem Chris.
It's fine.


-----Original Message----- From: Chris Smart
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2014 12:34 AM
To: ptaccess@googlegroups.com <mailto:ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: Protools in Hackintosh

oh sorry I thought you were asking about the Mac before. I read more
carefully this time.

I'm guessing Avid would not recommend ProTools be run on anything but
an actual Apple machine, since the hardware is guaranteed to work
At 01:31 PM 8/16/2014, you wrote:
Can you/ you guys who are using Pro tools in Hackintosh share your
PC specification?
What spec works best?
Any experience about pro tools in Hackintosh is very welcome.
Thanks in advance for your sharing.

-----Original Message----- From: Chris Smart
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2014 11:37 PM
To: ptaccess@googlegroups.com <mailto:ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: Protools in Hackintosh

uh, yes. lots. that's kind of why this group exists.

At 12:22 PM 8/16/2014, you wrote:
Hi all,
Has anyone ever tried using Protools in Hackintosh?
I would like to know if it is works well there.

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