
Thank you for perhaps the most positive statement regarding accessibility that I have ever read from any company or oganization. Especially impressive, beyond your ongoing commitment to increased accessibility, is your interest in involving third-party plug-in manufacturers in the process! This hints at industry-wide change in a positive direction. Honestly, most days, I have felt like lasting positive change is a pipe dream.

I'm still a Windows user of a competing product, but when I have the necessary funds, be asured I will be switching to ProTools on the Mac.

Thank you to all involved in this ongoing process, from the folks at Avid, Apple, other manufacturers, but especially to the blind audio professionals on this list. This, if nothing else, is a sign of what respectful professional dialog can accomplish, compared with infighting, competing interests and barely legible wining that one sees elsewhere, often among amateur hobbyists with very little at steak.

Hopefully, third-party manufacturers will quickly realize the benefits of being part of these improvements for us, more blind folks will be able to participate in college recording programs with little or know special modification, and especially, we may be able to simply walk into any studio running the newest ProTools and get to work. For all I know, a lot of this is already possible.

Thanks again for the much needed positive news.

Can I distribute your update in a few other places? No doubt, others are also tired of swimming against the tide, especially when so many boats are finally drifting in the right direction so-to-speak.

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