This is really going astray from the list. If anyone has any further comments to help me out, please address them to me at:

I don't want this thread getting out of hand, and it's almost now at that point. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rui Vilarinho" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2014 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: Off topic, but am absolutely desperet at this point for help!

Hello, by chance, I  know well hyperhidrosis, because I work in a clinic
natural therapies.

It is known that there is Simpaticectomia Thoracic Superior Bilateral or
ETS (Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy) is a simple surgery that definitely
solves the problem of excessive sweating of hands, armpits and feet.

It is performed in the operating room and takes approximately 30 minutes.

If carries a single incision in the chest under the armpit to perform
sympathetic nerve ablation thoracoscopy.

Although many people suffer from hyperhidrosis, few people know that it is
a medical condition that has name and treatment. Hyperhidrosis is nothing
more than excessive unpredictably sweating. But wait, before diagnosed with
hyperhidrosis understand that people with this problem even sweat during
cold days, or when they are at complete rest.

What are the causes?

The sweat, in most cases, is the body's natural reaction to maintain the
balance of body temperature. When we practice exercise, or feel shame, for
example, our body heat and sweat appears as a form of defense. However,
those having the sweat hyperhidrosis, even  without these triggers occurs.
This type of problem can cause others such as physical and even emotional

Apparently you have primary hyperhidrosis, one that affects the hands, feet
and armpits; there may be no obvious cause, and may be hereditary.

 When exist  another medical condition, it’s  called secondary

The important thing is that  you know that do not need to live with this

You're already on the right track, because some persons  live in ignorance,
understanding that this is a real  problem.

Well, you can first try to resolve the problem with natural therapy. But
how to deal with home remedies ?

1st .  sage :

The sage tea is an excellent remedy for hyperhidrosis because it has
antiperspirant properties, helping to prevent and regulate the production of
sweat excessively.

To prepare, use 500 ml of water and two tablespoons of sage leaf tea.

Add the two ingredients and let rest for a period of approximately 5

Strain and then consume drinking even twice a day.

2nd .  Talc and Sodium  bicarbonate :

Mix one tablespoon of Sodium Bicarbonate and cornstarch spoon to your  talc
and use  always after a shower.

Apply mainly in areas prone to suffer from sweating .

3rd .  lemon :

Lemon is another way to combat this excessive sweating. To do this, apply a
little lemon juice right after a shower, or every day in the morning. Thus,
you may notice that the region will be drier.

4th .  Apple cider vinegar :

The apple vinegar must be consumed on an empty stomach, mixed in water.
Place a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water and consume on waking,
before consuming any food.

Also, exist some  Rubber-pens! I know there but I never used it, so I do
not know if it's handy.

Anyway, good energy, good health, hopefully you will go to  improve.

P.S. sorry about my English.

Hope Santa Claus will come to your town!

Rui Vilarinho

----- Original Message ----- From: "Christopher-Mark Gilland" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2014 11:47 AM
Subject: Off topic, but am absolutely desperet at this point for help!


This is somewhat embarrassing to write, but I'm at the point now where I can't stand it any longer. I need some suggestions.

If you'd rather write me about this off list, that's totally 100% acceptible.

OK, so here's the deal. I've been an I O S user for quite some time now. Since 2009 with my first IPod Touch 3GS. Since, I've gone through IPod Touches, IPhones, and IPads all 3. The issue is, I have a medical condition called Hyperhydrosis. For those of you who don't exactly know what this is, basically, I don't like admitting it, but what it means essentially is, my hands are always nonstop 24/7 profusely! clammy/oily/sweaty. I mean, we're not talking your average sweat here. It's absolutely disgusting! It's not to the point where my hands are literally dripping sweat, thank god, but it's bad enough to where they always are very greezy, and have lots of oil buildup like crazy. Way way! more than the average person. For this reason, even with a screen protector, or a case, like say, a Lifeproof, or even better yet, an Otterbox Defender, my screen becomes utterly nasty! within literally half a day of use. And buddy? I don't just mean yeah, there are some smudges and fingerprints. No... I'm saying it is ab, suh, lootly? filthy! Trust me! It's repulsive! I won't even use other people's phones/IPads/IPods unless it's for maybe like a 3 to 5 minute period just to check something quickly for them. Because of all the sweat/oil, it dries and just gunks all over the screen so badly, it almost literally feels like little sand particals on the screen surface. I've attempted to clean my screen, but no matter what I do, I can't get it cleaned. I get it to where it's hugely improved, but according to my sighted friends, they still say it's absolutely filthy. Usually, I have them wipe it off for me, but I don't know what they're doing different than me. They hand it back and say it's now clean, but again, like I said, within several hours, it's right back to where it was before. Basically, it's inevitable. It's going to get really really dirty incredibly fast. I read online that I can use a very very mildly... key word... extremely!... lightly dampened lent-free fabric cloth, and wipe it down, but that doesn't seem to be really working. That gets rid of the smudges, but it still seems to be very greezy from all the oil in my hands. Yes, I always always, always! wash my hands very very thoroughly with luke warm to mildly hot water and liquid soap before I handle the thing, but that doesn't really help too much. Either that, or if I'm not near a sink, I'll use some hand sanatizer. Obviously, on my hands, not the screen. LOL! I'm not stupid! LOL! That helps a bit, but not much. Well, the other problem is too, I get real bad dandrif, and sometimes it flakes off my skalp on to the screen unknowingly. That's rare, but sometimes it does happen. My point is, firstly and foremost, what is probably in my case going to be the best way to clean this screen off thoroughly? Secondly, once we get all the shit off of it, what is probably the best way for me to keep it clean as addiquitly as possible, considerring my situation? I know being my issue, it's obviously not gonna be easy, but is there anything I can do? Yeah, I know, talk to my doctor. They tell me there really isn't much they can do. They don't wanna do medication nor surgery, as they say it's not severe enough. I'd honestly tend to agree with the surgery part of it, but not the point of not medicating me for it. Anyway, they won't do it, so that's that. Yes, I've gotten multiple opinions. They all say the same exact thing.

Not only have I in the past used a dry or very lightly dampened lent free cloth, I've also at times used an unsented no lotion, no alcohol Huggies babywipe but that doesn't seem to really help much either. I'm real! real! hesitant to use liquid air on the thing. I've also used the chlorox disinfecting electronic wipes, but that isn't doing much good either. It helps for all of maybe an hour, and that's about it.

I just wonder if anyone has any ideas. I'd love to use my device, but it's honestly becoming gross! Sorry to gross you all out with all this, it's quite humilliating, but, this is really the only list I'm on with any blind I O S users. So, yeah... I'm hoping someone may have an idea.

If it helps be more specific, I have an IPad Air. Not the newer one, but the older first generation Air. Then, I also have an IPhone 5S.

I have an otterbox defender case for the IPhone, although I took it out of there recently, so I could plug the thing into my speaker dock. Yeah, I know, I know, quit doing that! Use a bluetooth speaker! I know, I know, you don't have to tell me! LOL!

I don't have a case for my IPad Air, and frankly, don't know of one that would be good. It really! would be cool if I could find one with a built in bluetooth keyboard that would charge via USB.

Again, guys, I'm sorry for putting this on list. Really, I am! I'm just kind of at my whit's end.

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