Hey Rui, thanks for the overview. I have thought about picking one of these up 
some day. 

-----Original Message-----
From: ptaccess@googlegroups.com [mailto:ptaccess@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of 
Rui Vilarinho
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 8:21 AM
To: ptaccess@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: routting 11rack ports, test drive

Got it.
Hi guys, thought  my test drive with 11rack within Sonar on windows world could 
be apreciated by guitarist or bass players, well,anyone  interested.

In my judge it's a fantastic guitar and bass sound and fx  processor.
Yet, it's a great USB audio interface.
 The ASIO  drivers are amazing. Zero, I mean really zero latency.
Exist a basic 11rack control pannel, where it's easy to adjust buffer, hertz, 
bits and  clock.
The hardware; it's a 2unit great AVID design, but concerning accessibility? 
well, it's suppose to be use also as a stand alone guitar processor, therefore 
it's like a amplifyer. knobs all around, straight forward, scroll wheel to swap 
presets and a bunch of knobs where parameters cam be adjust.
some button pads that enable or disable several fx, like delay reverb mod, 
distortion and so on. Yet, a button pad tap tempo .
No  ! it doesnt talk, so the display cant be read by a blind musician, preset 
name and preset editting must be investigated if could be possible by 
movements, like, one left, two down and edit button , press save and so on.
Very soon I'll gonna test it out within Pro Tools, where I believe that those 
unaccessible information and editting can be done.

Anyhow, concerning Sonar DAW; you gonna like this:
11rack gives 3 ports;
1st . Guitar ; records the dry guitar.
2nd . Eleven Rig ; records the sound of the amp, cab, mic and any effects .
3rd . ReAmp ; will aloud to direct the dry guitar to the 11rack and record once 
again, with any other preset or modification .

You can create one mono audio track. Select "Guitar In" as its input.
Also, you can create a stereo audio track. Select Eleven Rig L/R as the input.
 Record enable both tracks and record your part. This will record your stereo 
rig and a clean signal that you can reamp, or easily edit later.

Great  stuff.
Now Pro Tools comes with 11rack.

Rui Vilarinho

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