Hi, If Avid people are on here please read this message! I myself am using voiceover on the mac and have just upgraded to Pro Tools 2019 and from what a sited person told me from looking at my account on their computer everything is ok for me to download Pro Tools 2019.12 but here is where the issues come up. Under my products and subscriptions I after using heading navigation do see my subscription is updated but all of the show products links are just seen by voiceover as a questionmark for a totally blind user. No matter what I try I am unable to find the downloads for Pro Tools or any of the air effects bundles. If Avid does care about Pro Tools accessibility on the mac should this not include the web site for downloading my software as well? Some web pages on accessibility information are http://w3.org/WAI and http://www.webaim.org and I have written the webmaster address at avid.com and did not get any message back so can someone please tell me how I am to access and download the software and bundles with voiceover? I even tried using windows 10 pro 64 bits to try to download the files to no luck. I am not trying to be rude but think something needs to be done to the site for accessibility as currently it is a mess. Nick Gawronski

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