A couple of things:
If you're having trouble with the space Bar not starting the transport, your problem has absolutely nothing to do with Flo Tools. There's no Flo Tools command that involves the Space bar. You need to follow all the steps that avid recommends for setting up Pro Tools to operate correctly and you further need to follow steps to configure VoiceOver and Pro Tools to work in the best possible way for you as a blind user. If you need a reference for that, here's a document that spells it all out:

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Title: Pre-Flight Checklist for Pro Tools, Mac OS and VoiceOver

Pre-Flight Checklist for Mac OS 10.15 Catalina, VoiceOver, Pro Tools 2020.3 and Flo Tools 2020.3.1

This document provides both a quick reference and detailed instructions on how to configure Mac OS for Pro Tools and Pro Tools for use with VoiceOver plus recommended settings for use with Flo Tools.

The first set of headings will link to major sections and each section will contain a checklist with short descriptions of each item followed by more details.

To step through the items quickly, simply navigate to a section by clicking on its name then navigate by heading.

If you've gone through the process before and know the steps, navigating by heading will simply remind you of each item to check. If you forgot the details or you're going through it for the first time,, rather than navigating by heading, once you're in a section, just readh through it as you would any web area to access the details.

System Optimization

VoiceOver Setup

Pro Tools Setup

Pro Tools Preferences

Optimizing for Flo Tools

Optimizing Mac OS

Optimize Energy Saver

This optimization will free up system resources as well as prevent the computer from going to sleep or standby mode which can cause audio dropouts with Pro Tools software and hardware.

  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Click 'Energy Saver'.
  3. Do one of the following (available option depends on your computer model). If present, set the Computer Sleep slider to "Never" Otherwise, check the box that says "Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off."
  4. Un-check the box for "Put hard disks to sleep when possible."
  5. Un-check the box for "Enable Power Nap"

Turn off Wi-Fi

If your computer is equipped with Bluetooth wireless and/or Wi-Fi, these may need to be disabled for Pro Tools to work correctly. In addition to freeing up system resources, disabling these can help resolve DAE errors -6085, -6086 and -6101.

  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Click 'Network'.
  3. On the left hand sidebar, click on Wi-Fi.
  4. Click on the button that says Turn Wi-Fi Off.

Disable FileVault protection

This optimization will allow your hard drive to work more efficiently with Pro Tools and can prevent DAE Error -9035 from occurring.

  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Click 'Security & Privacy'.
  3. Click on the 'FileVault' tab.
  4. In this window find where it states: "FileVault protection is (on/off) for the hard disk…".
  5. If FileVault is on, click the button to "Turn Off FileVault."

Update iLok Drivers

This can help resolve problems launching Pro Tools and some plug-in authorization issues.

  • Visit the iLok website at www.ilok.com.
  • Download and install the iLok License Manager.

Automatic Updates

Some updates to your Mac software can cause conflicts with Pro Tools. Therefore, it is suggested to disable the automatic update functionality within the operating system. If there is an update that you need, you can manually update your Mac software by clicking on the Apple menu and choosing Software Update.

  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Click 'App Store'.
  3. Make sure the box labeled "Automatically check for updates" is unchecked.

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Keyboard Shortcuts

You can disable or reassign Mac OS keyboard shortcuts that conflict with Pro Tools keyboard shortcuts. The following list includes several common Mac keyboard shortcuts that, depending on the make and model of your Mac, may also be used by Pro Tools:

  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Click Keyboard.
  3. Click the Keyboard Shortcuts tab.

Under the Launchpad & Dock category:

  • Uncheck Turn Dock Hiding On/Off

Under the Mission Control category:

  • Uncheck Mission Control
  • Uncheck Application windows
  • Uncheck Mission Control > Switch to Desktop
  • Uncheck Mission Control > Move left a space
  • Uncheck Mission Control > Move right a space
  • Uncheck Mission Control > Switch to Desktop

Under the Keyboard category:

  • Uncheck Move focus to the window drawer

Under the Input Sources category:

  • Uncheck Select Next Source in Input Menu
  • Uncheck Select the Previous Input Source

Under the Services category,:

  • Uncheck Files and Folders > Send File To Bluetooth Device
  • Uncheck Searching > Search With Google
  • Uncheck Searching > Spotlight

Under the Spotlight category:

  • Uncheck Show Spotlight search
  • Uncheck Show Finder Search Window

Under the Accessibility category:

  • Uncheck Zoom
  • Uncheck Contrast

Under the App Shortcuts category:

  • Uncheck Show Help menu

Using F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys

Both Pro Tools and Flo Tools use the Function Keys for certain shortcuts. Your system may be configured to have the Function Keys act as media control keys by default. To make sure the F keys behave as normal Function Keys:

  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Click Keyboard.
  3. Under the Keyboard tab, check the "Use F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys" checkbox.

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Setting Up VoiceOver

VoiceOver will work with Pro Tools out of the box. There are, however, a few settings that are highly recommended. Open the VoiceOver Utility with VO+f8 and review the following settings:

Under the General category

  • Choose "Caps Lock" for "Keys to Use as the VoiceOver Modifier".
  • Check the "Allow VoiceOver to be controlled by AppleScript" checkbox.

Under the Navigation category

  • Select "Standard" in the Grouping Behavior pop-up button.
  • Select "Follows VoiceOver Cursor" in the Mouse Pointer pop-up button.

Under the Visuals category

  • In the Cursor tab, set the VoiceOver Cursor Magnification slider to its lowest setting.

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Setting Up Pro Tools

The following settings in Pro Tools are critical for navigation and editing.

Options menu > Dynamic Transport

Uncheck this option.

Options menu > Link Timeline and Edit Selection

Check this option.

Options menu > Link Track and Edit Selection

Check this option.

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Settings for Pro Tools Preferences

The following settings in the Pro Tools Preferences dialog are generally recommended for VoiceOver users. While these settings are not necessarily required, they are a good starting point and some settings might need to be changed from time to time, depending upon one's needs. They are listed in the order in which they appear in each tab of the Preferences dialog.

Display tab

  • In the Basic group, uncheck the "Track Position Numbers Stay with Hidden Tracks" checkbox.
  • Check the "Function" checkbox for Tooltips.
  • Check the "Details" checkbox for Tooltips.

Operation tab

  • In the Transport group, check the "Edit Insertion Follows Scrub/Shuttle" checkbox.
  • Check the "Audio During Fast Forward/Rewind" checkbox.
  • Check the "Play Start Marker Follows Timeline Selection" checkbox.

Editing tab

  • In the Clips group, check the "Clip List Selection Follows Edit Selection" checkbox.
  • Check the "Edit Selection Follows Clip List Selection" checkbox.

Mixing tab

  • In the Setup group, uncheck the Sends Default to "-INF" checkbox.
  • In the Automation group, uncheck the "Plug-in Controls Default to Auto-Enabled" checkbox.
  • Uncheck the "Include Control Changes in Undo Queue" checkbox.

Metering tab

  • In the Peak/Clip group, select the "3 Seconds" radio button for Peak Hold.
  • Select the "Infinite" radio button for Clip Indication.
    • Note that the radio buttons are actually arranged in two columns beneath "Peak Hold" and "Clip Indication" so reading straight down with VoiceOver from each works best.
  • In the Display group, check the "Show Track Gain Reduction Meter" checkbox.
  • Select the "All - Summed" radio button for Gain Reduction Meter Type.

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Optimizing Pro Tools for Flo Tools

For all functions of Flo Tools to work as expected, it is recommended to apply the following settings and window configurations in Pro Tools. Some of these items were already listed above.

  • In VoiceOver Utility under the General category, check the "Allow VoiceOver to be controlled with AppleScript" checkbox.
  • Go to System Preferences > Keyboard pane and,under the input sources, make sure "US" is enabled.
  • The Mix and Edit windows should both be open at all times.
  • In the Pro Tools Preferences dialog > Display tab > Basics group, check the "Function" and Details" checkboxes for Tooltips.
  • In the toolbar menu of the edit window, the "Transport", "midi Controls", and "expanded transport" settings should be checked.
  • Track Heights should be set to "medium" for optimal Flo Tools performance.

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Further, some macros and macro groups in Keyboard Maestro are disabled by default or as a matter of course—that's the way it works. All macros and all macro groups are not supposed to be on all the time. Much like PT and VoiceOver setup, you need to follow the setup instructions carefully to make sure Flo Tools will work properly. With all of these things, there's also a bunch of settings in Security and Privacy that need to be enabled. Whatever's not covered in documentation, you can ask about here.

On Oct 2, 2020, at 1:40 AM, Devil Monkey <devilmonkeyisl...@gmail.com> wrote:


I'm having trouble with what maybe is a conflict in settings somewhere between accessibility & Flo Tools but I can't be entirely sure.

Macros in Flo Tools appear to turn themselves off in some instances or appear to have no functionality at all. I've emailed Keyboard maestro who have sent me back to Flo Tools.

Additionally, when Flo Tools is engaged some of the usual keyboard functions appear to no longer work eg space bar no longer operates as start/stop & I have to use the transport controls on the control surface.

Any tips on correct settings would be greatly appreciated.

I am running latest Pro Tools on a Mac with Mojave 10.14.6

Have a great weekend

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