Hello all:
While taking a small mastering course, i am facing some problems related to 
SOme plugins and VOice over, so I will write them here, and hope you can help 
me fixing what am facing.

1- how can we Read inside the VU Meeter? is there an accessible VU meeter 
2- moving between Open plugins without opening 1 by 1 each time, I tried TO 
press on Target plugin but with no help.
3- how can i write Volume Automation  by section using Keyboard not COntrol 
surface? so i need to add 1 Db volume from bar 10 to bar 20, can i do this 
using Just my keyboard or i should use COntrol surface etc?
4- When i need to load presets from the Ozone9, Pro tools always crash, but 
when voice over is off, it works, is there a solution?
5- what is a good EQ that can do mid side technique? I tried the Ozone 9 EQ, 
and it crashes with VOice over.

Warm Regards,
Dr/ Ramy Moustafa Saber
Music Producer and Sound Engineer
Music Instructor at: Faculty of Musical Education
Helwan University

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