Hello Ramy!

Regarding switching plug-ins...
In the plug-in window you'll find pop-up menues for changing insert slots and 
That should be fast enough.

Best! / Martin
-----Original Message-----
From: ptaccess@googlegroups.com <ptaccess@googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of Ramy 
Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 9:01 AM
To: ptaccess@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Some problems plz?

Hello Mr. Slau:
COncerning the Target plugin:
I do not want to see multible plugins opened at the same window or something, 
all i need is an easy method for switching between them,so, if i have a 
compressor opened, and i need to switch between it and an Eq for instance, each 
time i should hit command ` to move between windows and go and open the other 
one, etc, so is there an easy way for switching?

COncerning Automation:
Thanks so much for your explnation, however, If you do not mind, i need more 
explnation  or an audio demo please, because  can not do all you told me.
Thanks so much for your help

Warm Regards,
Dr/ Ramy Moustafa Saber
Music Producer and Sound Engineer
Music Instructor at: Faculty of Musical Education
Helwan University


        On 7 Aug 2022, at 6:39 PM, Slau Halatyn <slauhala...@gmail.com> wrote:

        Dear Doctor Ramy,

        My responses interspersed below:
        On Aug 7, 2022, at 11:25 AM, Ramy Moustafa <ramy.moustaf...@gmail.com 
<mailto:ramy.moustaf...@gmail.com> > wrote:

                Hello all:
                While taking a small mastering course, i am facing some 
problems related to SOme plugins and VOice over, so I will write them here, and 
hope you can help me fixing what am facing.

                1- how can we Read inside the VU Meeter? is there an accessible 
VU meeter plugin?

        VoiceOver only sees one value for metering. It cannot read VU 

                2- moving between Open plugins without opening 1 by 1 each 
time, I tried TO press on Target plugin but with no help.

        By default, only one plug-in window is open at a time. I wouldn't 
recommend using more than one plug-in window because you can't see more than 
one window at a time and, since you would need to bring up the window Chooser 
and make sure the window is the target, simply selecting from the track 
selector in one window is more straight-forward.

                3- how can i write Volume Automation  by section using Keyboard 
not COntrol surface? so i need to add 1 Db volume from bar 10 to bar 20, can i 
do this using Just my keyboard or i should use COntrol surface etc?

        This is a deceptively complex question because it depends on a number 
of factors. To offer an answer that'll work under all circumstances, Make your 
selection and enter Auto Latch Trim mode and change the volume fader to +1 dB. 
Engage the transport and either let it play through the selection or use the 
Write To Selection button in the Automation window if it's a long section that 
you don't want to play all the way through.

                4- When i need to load presets from the Ozone9, Pro tools 
always crash, but when voice over is off, it works, is there a solution?

        See if others can recreate the issue and, if so, open a support ticket 
with Izotope.

                5- what is a good EQ that can do mid side technique? I tried 
the Ozone 9 EQ, and it crashes with VOice over.

        See my response on WhatsApp.

                Warm Regards,
                Dr/ Ramy Moustafa Saber
                Music Producer and Sound Engineer
                Music Instructor at: Faculty of Musical Education
                Helwan University

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