Mitchell C Kerman writes:

> Hi.  Chuck Lutz and I are trying to develop a generic queuing system
> inside of Ptolemy.  The model is a simple customer model in a
> supermarket.  Customers are generated by a Poisson clock by the Customer
> Generator actor.  Eventually, each customer will be instantiated in a
> multi-instance composite actor (modal model).  Currently, we only have
> this as the Customer Checkout Modal Model to simulate one customer
> (starting small to get this working).  We are having a few problems and
> have many questions along the way.  The model is attached.  Our
> questions are as follows:
> 1.         CT director is on the top level of the model.  If we put a CT
> director inside the Customer Generator, we get no observable output.  If
> we remove the CT director from the Customer Generator, the display shows
> results from the Poisson clock.  Why is this?

You should probaby be using DE instead of CT.
DE is event oriented, CT is for continuous time models
Edward sent a response to Chuck that you might not have seen, see

> 2.         What are the differences between a parameter, a port, and a
> port parameter?  How do we pass data between composite actors using
> these?

Parameters are values that are set inside the actor.
Ports are inputs or outputs.
PortParameters are either ports or parameters.


and section 3.3.1 of

> 3.         Checkout Process Modal Model will need to be a Mutli-Instance
> Composite Actor (to have one instance per register in the store).  How
> do we dynamically create a new Checkout Process Modal Model with each
> firing of the Customer Generator?

Offhand, I'm not sure.

> 4.         We are not able to access the ItemCount parameter inside of a
> refinement for Continue Here.  Why?

Offhand, I'm not sure.

> 5.         Do you have a list of known current bugs?

> Thanks for all of your help,
> Mitchell Kerman


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