I'm working on an atomic actor right now where user-specified parameter
changes trigger further updates to the actor.  For example, the user
enters the name of a file that contains a remote service definition, and
the actor loads and processes the file, extracting from it information
like port names and types.  The user update (entering a file name)
causes a cascade of calls to attributeChanged() -- the file is read into
a buffer variable, triggering parsing of the buffer contents, triggering
the creation of new ports and the assignment of types to those ports,
and so on.

The end result is a correctly-configured actor.  It has the correct
input and output ports, with the correct types; it knows how to bind to
the remote service.  However, when I save and reopen the model
containing the actor, I find that a lot of the configuration values were
not persisted.  In particular, the port types and the contents of the
service definition buffer don't survive the round trip.  

What objects do I need to notify when these "autonomous" updates occur
so the new values make it into the exported MoML?


Andy Z.
Andrew L. Zimdars
Sr. Software Engineer; Modeling, Simulation, and Information Sciences
Advanced Technology Center, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co.
1111 Lockheed Martin Way, B/153, C/2J4 | Sunnyvale CA  94089
w : 408/742-2111 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
m : 510/915-0662 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

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