I was able to fix the problem by adding MoMLChangeRequests (ch. 7, vol.
1 of the design doc) for some of the cascading updates.  Comparing my
("autonomous") update code to the controllers for the PortConfigurer and
EditParametersDialog, it looks like the changes don't propagate to the
MoML source without explicit change requests.  I had wrongly assumed
that my calls to setToken(), setTypeEquals(), etc. would force the MoML
changes.  My actors now round-trip correctly.

For the service description buffer, I ended up persisting a Variable as
a ConfigurableAttribute (service descriptions are WSDL definitions, so
wrapping the buffer in <configure> tags was the easiest way to preserve
the original document).


Andy Z.

Andrew L. Zimdars
Sr. Software Engineer; Modeling, Simulation, and Information Sciences
Advanced Technology Center, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co.
1111 Lockheed Martin Way, B/153, C/2J4 | Sunnyvale CA  94089
w : 408/742-2111 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
m : 510/915-0662 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 1:16 PM
To: Zimdars, Andrew
Cc: ptolemy-hackers@bennett.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: Re: Attribute updates not appearing in MoML document

Hi Andrew,

Perhaps the remote service buffer needs to be a parameter?
You can hide parameters from the user by setting it as an Expert

See $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/gui/SketchedSource.java:   

You could also try having your remote service buffer be an Attribute.
I'm not sure if that will be preserved though.

You might also need to get trigger change requests, though that should
be happening for you.


    I'm working on an atomic actor right now where user-specified
    changes trigger further updates to the actor.  For example, the user
    enters the name of a file that contains a remote service definition,
    the actor loads and processes the file, extracting from it
    like port names and types.  The user update (entering a file name)
    causes a cascade of calls to attributeChanged() -- the file is read
    a buffer variable, triggering parsing of the buffer contents,
    the creation of new ports and the assignment of types to those
    and so on.
    The end result is a correctly-configured actor.  It has the correct
    input and output ports, with the correct types; it knows how to bind
    the remote service.  However, when I save and reopen the model
    containing the actor, I find that a lot of the configuration values
    not persisted.  In particular, the port types and the contents of
    service definition buffer don't survive the round trip.  
    What objects do I need to notify when these "autonomous" updates
    so the new values make it into the exported MoML?
    Andy Z.
    Andrew L. Zimdars
    Sr. Software Engineer; Modeling, Simulation, and Information
    Advanced Technology Center, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co.
    1111 Lockheed Martin Way, B/153, C/2J4 | Sunnyvale CA  94089
    w : 408/742-2111 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
    m : 510/915-0662 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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