
We're currently digging into PtII GUI classes to try to build our own GUI for Drone (http://drone.ws). Our first objective is to be able to list available models and show a tree view of the currently loaded model in our GUI (we're not using diva/vergil but AWT and QtJambi). We have read about core ptolemy.actor.gui classes such as:
- Effigy
- Tableau
- ModelDirectory
- Configuration
- EntityLibrary
- UserLibrary

We have documented our findings on our wiki: https://lethe.koumbit.net/trac/drone/wiki/DevNotes/PtolemyII-Architecture

Here are a few questions we would like to ask:

1) Why are so many classes in the package extending CompositeEntity (instead of NamedObj)? Is it because NamedObj does not offer iterating over anything else than attributes? It seems odd that, for instance, we were able to open the EntityLibrary in Vergil and Look inside.

2) How is the adding of Director handled (i.e. when I click and drag a Director into a graph/tableau what are the classes involved in adding it to the current CompositeActor)?

3) If an Effigy is a metadata over a model, why are there such effigies as DocEffigy or PythonShellEffigy? Maybe we don't understand very well what a model is.


J. S. Senécal

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