Yes, it is copy-happy on the ant build, which slows the ant build down quite a bit. We originally did this to accommodate ant token substitution in the build. But now we've eliminated all of those tokens, and so no longer have a need to copy the source during the ant build. We just haven't gotten around to cleaning up the build.xml for kepler and the build-ptolemy.xml for ptolemy to point them directly at the source directories. Relatively simple changes would be required to change this.


Christopher Brooks wrote:

5.      Is there a build.xml file for 7.0 that I can use with ant?

We don't supply an ant build.xml file for Ptolemy.
The Kepler project has a build-ptolemy.xml file that works for
them, though I find it a little copy-happy - it seems to copy
lots of files around.

Matthew B. Jones
Director of Informatics Research and Development
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
UC Santa Barbara
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       Ph: 1-907-523-1960

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