
Thank you very much once again. Ptolemy II 7 beta worked for me on Ubuntu. 
On Sol-10 11/06 both versions of ptolemy work just fine as it has java 1.5

Now I'm trying to invoke viptos by running bin/viptos and it starts ok. 
I have set the following env vars:

setenv  TOSROOT /opt/tinyos-2.x
setenv  TOSDIR /opt/tinyos-2.x/tos  and finally 
setenv PTINYOS_MOMLROOT /usr/local/src/ptII7.0.1/ptolemy/domains/ptinyos/util

However, I read the installation notes (either on the site or in the tarball)
and a 'vendors' directory is mentioned, which I do not have. 

I read the manuall saying that the env variables should be:

setenv TOSROOT $PTII/vendors/ptinyos/tinyos-1.x
setenv TOSDIR $TOSROOT/tos
setenv PTINYOS_MOMLROOT $PTII/vendors/ptinyos/moml

but I do not have vendors. 
What is more, I cannot successfully run the demos as I encounter errors about
localtions, xml moml...etc.

I strongly believe that my env vars are not the appropriate ones. 
So, which could be the TOSROOT, please, as I only have
/usr/local/src/ptII7.0.1/ptolemy/domains/ptinyos with no tos in it.
I do not have vendors anyway.

I have tinyos-2.x installed in /opt/tinyos-2.x and I run TOSSIM with scripts

It seems that I miss something importand here. 

Thanks in advance,

Eva Kolega 
Phd Student
National Technical University of Athens, Greece


Christopher Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Hi Eva,
> Ok, I can replicate this with Sun's java.
> The version of Java I tried was:
>   -bash-3.1$ java -version
>   java version "1.6.0_05"
>   Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_05-b13)
>   Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 10.0-b19, mixed mode, sharing)
> I did:
>   wget
>   tar -zxf ptII6.0.2.src.tar.gz
>   export PTII=/tmp/cxh/ptII6.0.2
>   cd $PTII
>   ./configure
>   make >& make.out
> What I get is: 
> ../../../ptolemy/data/type/ non-static variable this
cannot be referenced from a static context
>         private InequalityTerm _replacementElementTerm = new 
> ElementTypeTerm() {
>                                                          ^
> To fix this:
> 1) Use Java 1.5 with Ptolemy II 6.0.2, which is what Ptolemy II 6.0.2
>    is documented as using.  
> or
> 2) Try Ptolemy II 7.0.beta, which should work with Ptolemy Java 1.6
> or
> 3) Fix the bug in Ptolemy II 6.0.2.  This could be very difficult
> because there are other changes between 6.0.2 and 7.0.  
> I recommend using Ptolemy II 7.0.beta.  Ptolemy II 7.0.1 should be out
> shortly.
> _Christopher
> --------
>     Hello. Thank you all for your advice.
>     I have tried to install ptolemy on ubuntu as much as I could these days...
>     However, I still have the same problem. 
>     My java is SUN java located in /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin.
>     When I run ./configure I get two errors but I do not think they are 
> severe.
>     I
>     have attached them at the end.
>     Then I run either (make and make install) or (make >& make.out) as 
> Christop
>    her
>     suggests. But nothing happens. I have gnu make 3.81.
>     Some error I have are:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     fast build with 'CLASSPATH="../../.." /usr/bin/javac -g -O *.java' in
>     /usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/ptolemy/actor/parameters
> cannot access
>     class file for$DoubleMatrixType not found
>             setTypeEquals(BaseType.DOUBLE_MATRIX);
>                                   ^
>     ./../../ptolemy/data/type/ incompatible types
>     found   :
>     required:
>                 matrixType = BaseType.DOUBLE_MATRIX;
>                                      ^
>     2 errors
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    -
>     make[3]: Entering directory 
> `/usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/ptolemy/copernicus/ke
>    rnel'
>     fast build with
> 'CLASSPATH="../../..:/usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/lib/sootclasses.jar:/usr/loca
> l/src/ptII6.0.2/lib/jasminclasses.jar:/usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/lib/polyglotc
> lasses-1.3.2.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
>    m/java-6-sun-"
>     /usr/bin/javac -g -O *.java' in 
> /usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/ptolemy/copernicus
>    /kernel
>     ./../../ptolemy/data/type/ non-static variable this 
> cann
>    ot
>     be referenced from a static context
>             private InequalityTerm _replacementElementTerm = new 
> ElementTypeTer
>    m() {
>                                                              ^
>     ./../../ptolemy/data/type/ non-static variable this 
> cann
>    ot
>     be referenced from a static context
>             private InequalityTerm _replacementElementTerm = new 
> ElementTypeTer
>    m() {
>        ^
>     Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    --
>     fast build with 'CLASSPATH="../../../../../.." /usr/bin/javac -g -O 
> *.java'
>     in
>     /usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/ptolemy/codegen/c/domains/sdf/lib
>     ./../../../../../ptolemy/data/type/ non-static variable
>     this cannot be referenced from a static context
>             private InequalityTerm _replacementElementTerm = new 
> ElementTypeTer
>    m() {
>                                                              ^
>     ./../../../../../ptolemy/data/type/ non-static variable
>     this cannot be referenced from a static context
>             private InequalityTerm _replacementElementTerm = new 
> ElementTypeTer
>    m() {
>        ^
>     Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
>     Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
>     2 errors
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    --
>     make[6]: Leaving directory
>     `/usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/ptolemy/codegen/c/actor/lib/test'
>     fast build with 'CLASSPATH="../../../../.." /usr/bin/javac -g -O *.java' 
> in
>     /usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/ptolemy/codegen/c/actor/lib
>     ./../../../../ptolemy/data/type/ non-static variable 
> thi
>    s
>     cannot be referenced from a static context
>             private InequalityTerm _replacementElementTerm = new 
> ElementTypeTer
>    m() {
>                                                              ^
>     ./../../../../ptolemy/data/type/ non-static variable 
> thi
>    s
>     cannot be referenced from a static context
>             private InequalityTerm _replacementElementTerm = new 
> ElementTypeTer
>    m() {
>        ^
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    ---
>     I have also tried to compile either with CLASSPATH set, or without. Still
>     nothing good happens.
>     In ptolemy/data/type I have the attached classes after the compilation.
>     I do have TypeLattice.class in there and not in ptolemy/data.
>     I have tried to install ptolemy in a new ubuntu 7-10 machine. I got the 
> err
>    ors
>     at the end.
>     It seems that there is a problem with ubuntu somehow. I would like to 
> insta
>    ll
>     Viptos and I have already installed tinyos-2.x on ubuntu, so ptolemy is 
> the
>     other prerequisite for VIPTOS. I think I should try to migrate to another
>     Linux distribution. In that case I will unfortunatelly have to go through 
> t
>    he
>     painfull installation of tinyos(package after package).
>     I would appreciate any new suggestion upon these.
>     Thanks in advance, 
>     Eva Kolega
>     Phd student
>     National Technical University of Athens, GREECE
>     -------------REST OF THE 
> ERRORS--------------------------------------------
>    --
>     -------------configure 
> errors----------------------------------------------
>    --
>     /configure  import*;
>     ^
>     1 error
>     configure: WARNING: '"/usr/bin/javac"' failed.
>         Java 3D is only needed if you want to build in
>         /usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/ptolemy/domains/gr,
>         otherwise the build will proceed fine without Java 3D.
>     import*;
>     ^
>     1 error
>     checking the which major type of OS we are running under... Linux
>     configure: WARNING: '"/usr/bin/javac"' failed.
>         You may need to install QuickTime with the 'QuickTime For
>         Java' option from
>         During installation, choose 'custom' and then 'select all'.
>         This drops into the lib/ext of all your installed JREs.
>         Then you have to copy this zip file to the jre/lib/ext directory
>         of your SDK and rerun configure.
>         If configure still fails, you may need to unzip the
>         file and create a QTJava.jar file:
>            # unzip
>            cd QTJava
>            jar -cf ../QTJava.jar .
>         QuickTime for Java is only needed if you want to build in
>         /usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/ptolemy/domains/gr/lib/quicktime,
>         otherwise the build will proceed fine without Quicktime for Java.
>     --------------ptolemy/data/type 
> classes------------------------------------
>    -
>                      MatrixType$ComplexMatrixType.class
>     BaseType$1.class                    MatrixType$DoubleMatrixType.class
>     BaseType$BooleanType.class          MatrixType$FixMatrixType.class
>     BaseType.class                      MatrixType$IntMatrixType.class
>     BaseType$ComplexType.class
>     BaseType$DoubleType.class           MatrixType$LongMatrixType.class
>     BaseType$EventType.class            MonotonicFunction.class
>     BaseType$GeneralType.class
>     BaseType$IntType.class              package.html
>                       README.txt
>     BaseType$LongType.class             RecordType$1.class
>     BaseType$NilType.class              RecordType.class
>     BaseType$ObjectType.class           RecordType$FieldType.class
>     BaseType$PetiteType.class 
>     BaseType$ScalarType.class           StructuredType.class
>     BaseType$StringType.class 
>     BaseType$UnknownType.class          test
>     BaseType$UnsignedByteType.class     Typeable.class
>     BaseType$UnsizedFixType.class
>     BaseType$XmlTokenType.class         Type.class
>     demo                                TypeConstant.class
>     FixType.class             
>     FunctionType$1.class                TypeLattice$1.class
>     FunctionType.class                  TypeLattice.class
>     FunctionType$FieldTypeTerm.class
>                   TypeLattice$TheTypeLattice.class
>     HasTypeConstraints.class            UnionType$1.class
>             UnionType.class
>     makefile                            UnionType$FieldType.class
>     MatrixType$BooleanMatrixType.class
>     MatrixType.class
>     ---------------make errors on a new Ubuntu 7.10 installation--------------
>     cp: cannot stat `*.class': No such file or directory
>     make[2]: [img.jar] Error 1 (ignored)
>     Creating img.jar
>     (cd ptjar_tmpdir; "/usr/bin/jar"  -cvf tmp.jar .)
>     /bin/sh: /usr/bin/jar: not found
>     make[2]: *** [img.jar] Error 127
>     make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/doc/img'
>     making jars in doc/tour
>     make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/doc/tour'
>     make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/doc/tour'
>     making jars in doc/tutorial
>     make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/doc/tutorial'
>     make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/doc/tutorial'
>     making jars in doc/ui
>     make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/doc/ui'
>     make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/doc/ui'
>     make[1]: *** No rule to make target `coding/codingConfig.jar', needed by
>     `docConfig.jar'.  Stop.
>     make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/doc'
>     make: *** [subinstall] Error 2
>     Christopher Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>     > Hi Eva,
>     > Either your classpath is not set properly or else the file
>     > $PTII/ptolemy/data/TypeLattice.class does not exist.
>     > 
>     > Does $PTII/ptolemy/data/TypeLattice.class exist?
>     > 
>     > Did you build Ptolemy using the commands below?
>     >  cd $PTII
>     >  ./configure
>     >  make >& make.out
>     > 
>     > Does make.out contain errors? Look for lines that have "***" in them.
>     > 
>     > _Christopher
>     > 
>     > --------
>     > 
>     >     Hello everybody. 
>     >     
>     >     Many thanks to Christopher who has helped me a lot with ptolemy. It 
> w
>    orks f
>     >    ine
>     >     on Solaris 10 with gnu make. 
>     >     
>     >     Now I am trying to install ptolemy on ubuntu 7.10 but I have too 
> many
>     error
>     >    s
>     >     with java.
>     >     
>     >     I have set PTII, PATH and CLASSPATH variables. 
>     >     
>     >     I do not know what is wrong.
>     >     
>     >     I would be grateful if I had a suggestion for a workaround.
>     >     
>     >     Thanks in advance, 
>     >     
>     >     Eva Kolega
>     >     Phd student
>     >     National Technical University of Athens, GREECE
>     >     
>     >     ----------------SAMPLE ERRORS----------------------------------
>     >     Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize 
> class
>     >
>     >      at ptolemy.moml.filter.ActorIndex.main(
>     >     Parsing:
>     >     
> file:/usr/local/src/ptII6.0.2/ptolemy/domains/sdf/demo/LMSAdaptive/LM
>    SAdapt
>     >    ive.xml
>     >     Warning, failed to parse
>     >     $CLASSPATH/ptolemy/domains/sdf/demo/LMSAdaptive/LMSAdaptive.xml
>     >     com.microstar.xml.XmlException: XML element "property" triggers 
> excep
>    tion:
>     >       java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
>     > in
>     > at line 7 and 
> col
>    umn 69
>     >     Caused by:
>     >      java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
>     >
>     >     
>     >     
>     >     
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>    ------
>     >    -
>     >     Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send 
> administrati
>    ve
>     >     mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    edu
>     > --------
>     > 
>     > 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    ---
>     > Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
>     > mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     > 
>     -- 
> --------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
> mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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