I'm helping someone build a workflow and in it they have an arraytoken of
strings which they wish to write to a file. Since none of the file writing
actors can accept arrays (please correct me if i'm wrong), we had a look at
the ArrayToSequence actor.

this works fine, except for the constraint that the size of the array has to
be specified, and since the size of our array is unknown, we cannot set it.

Is it possible to change the behaviour of the ArrayToSequence actor to
dynamically set the rate of token output based on the input to the actor?
Modifying the fire method to set the arrayLength variable to the length of
the received token seemed to work, but if the array was made larger the
second firing of the actor would fail.

So, is it possible to build an actor with our desired functionality, or does
the nature of SDF scheduling prevent this (and please excuse my lack of
knowledge on sdf theory :))

I suggested we could write a file writing actor to manage arraytokens, but
she want's to do some processing of each string before writing the data, so
converting it to a sequence is a more convenient solution.


Tristan King
Research Officer,
eResearch Centre
James Cook University, Townsville Qld 4811

Phone: +61747816902
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] www: http://eresearch.jcu.edu.au

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