As I have seen that more people have problems with a missing __fsetfpucw when 
compiling/linking software with glibc-2.1.1 here is my hack to solve this problem.

Before glibc-2.1.1 the function __setfpucw() was declared global in 
/usr/include/fpu_control.h at the end of this file



/* Called at startup.  It can be used to manipulate fpu control register.  */
extern void __setfpucw __P ((fpu_control_t));


#endif  /* fpu_control.h */
The suggestion, given in the comment above it, was applied in a lot of programs out 
there which don't compile and link anymore because as of glibc-2.1.1 this declaration 
is simply missing. Not even one notification is left behind to say something about 
it's elimination. From bug report

I understand that the function from now on is local to libc as it was always mentioned 
to be. (Despite the comment above the global function declaration, I should say)

I ran into problems when compiling Ptolemy 0.7.1 from on SuSE Linux 6.2. They used __setfpucw() in two 
files with an interesting comment which says nothing to me (maybe someone can tell 
(me) more about that):

#ifdef linux
        // Fix for DECalendarQueue SIGFPE under linux.
        __setfpucw(_FPU_DEFAULT | _FPU_MASK_IM);
(The Ptolemy files are $PTOLEMY/src/pigiRpc/ and 

To fix the problem, in the concerning source files I added the following function 

inline void __setfpucw(int cw) { _FPU_SETCW(cw); } 

This way __setfpucw symbol is defined as a wrapper which executes _FPU_SETCW(cw) which 
is a macro (still?) defined in fpu_control.h. Now, the files compile and link again. 
However, I am not 100% sure if _FPU_SETCW() modifies the wanted fpu control register, 
but the macro name suggests it does (Ptolemy runs fine). Furthermore, since 
_FPU_SETCW() is still a declaration with a leading underscore (only one this time) and 
a lot of people were referring to the FAQ, which seems to say something like don't use 
stuff from libc with leading underscores, I hope this macro will remain defined for a 
while. Of course, as a last resort, one can always plug in the corresponding assembler 
instruction in your own defined __setfpucw(int cw) to get

inline void __setfpucw(int cw) { __asm__ ("fnstcw %0" : "=m" (*&cw)) ; }

Hope someone can use this,


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