Offhand, I'm not sure what the story is here

Go to
and search for SIGFPE

One of the hits is:
Subject: Ptolemy on Linux - report #2
To: ptolemy-hackers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Status: RO


1) I continued tracing the statistics demo which caused the SIGFPE
   exception. It's not a division by zero, but an integer conversion
   overflow. When the constructor is activated it calls LocalInit
   with parameters (0,2,1.0,HUGE_VAL).
   Thus n = (int)(1.0/HUGE_VAL), which the Intel FPU doesn't like,
   at least with the standard Linux initialization.

** line 120 of src/domains/de/kernel/
// set up initial position in queue 

    cq_lastTime = lastTime;             <-- lastTime = HUGE_VAL
    n = (int) (lastTime/cq_interval);   <-- *** n overflows ***
    cq_lastBucket = n % cq_bucketNum;
    cq_bucketTop = (n+1.5)*cq_interval;


   There are two possible solutions:
   - test and check it locally (setting n to MIN_INT on condition)
   - change the FPU control word for all the program. This is what I
     did, looking at the include file <i386/fpu_control.h>.
     I modified the main program (src/pigiRpc/ this way:

** line 33:
 #include <string.h>
+#ifdef linux
+#include <fpu_control.h>

 extern ptkConsoleWindow();

** line 55:
+#ifdef linux
+       __setfpucw(_FPU_DEFAULT | _FPU_MASK_IM);

        /* Strip off end of argv, not front */



    As I have seen that more people have problems with a missing __fsetfpucw wh
   en compiling/linking software with glibc-2.1.1 here is my hack to solve this
    Before glibc-2.1.1 the function __setfpucw() was declared global in /usr/in
   clude/fpu_control.h at the end of this file
    /* Called at startup.  It can be used to manipulate fpu control register.  
    extern void __setfpucw __P ((fpu_control_t));
    #endif  /* fpu_control.h */
    The suggestion, given in the comment above it, was applied in a lot of prog
   rams out there which don't compile and link anymore because as of glibc-2.1.
   1 this declaration is simply missing. Not even one notification is left behi
   nd to say something about it's elimination. From bug report 
    I understand that the function from now on is local to libc as it was alway
   s mentioned to be. (Despite the comment above the global function declaratio
   n, I should say)
    I ran into problems when compiling Ptolemy 0.7.1 from  http://ptolemy.eecs. on SuSE Linux 6.2. They used __setfpucw() in two files with an 
   interesting comment which says nothing to me (maybe someone can tell (me) mo
   re about that):
    #ifdef linux
            // Fix for DECalendarQueue SIGFPE under linux.
            __setfpucw(_FPU_DEFAULT | _FPU_MASK_IM);
    (The Ptolemy files are $PTOLEMY/src/pigiRpc/ and PTOLEMY/src/ptc
    To fix the problem, in the concerning source files I added the following fu
   nction definition:
    inline void __setfpucw(int cw) { _FPU_SETCW(cw); } 
    This way __setfpucw symbol is defined as a wrapper which executes _FPU_SETC
   W(cw) which is a macro (still?) defined in fpu_control.h. Now, the files com
   pile and link again. However, I am not 100% sure if _FPU_SETCW() modifies th
   e wanted fpu control register, but the macro name suggests it does (Ptolemy 
   runs fine). Furthermore, since _FPU_SETCW() is still a declaration with a le
   ading underscore (only one this time) and a lot of people were referring to 
   the FAQ, which seems to say something like don't use stuff from libc with le
   ading underscores, I hope this macro will remain defined for a while. Of cou
   rse, as a last resort, one can always plug in the corresponding assembler in
   struction in your own defined __setfpucw(int cw) to get
    inline void __setfpucw(int cw) { __asm__ ("fnstcw %0" : "=m" (*&cw)) ; }
    Hope someone can use this,
    Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
    mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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