Zhao Wenhui wrote:
> Hello Mr. Reimer,
> I am a Ph.D student. My reserch interest is co-design and co-simulation.
> I have downloaded the Ptolemy-0.7.1p1-3.src.rpm package for RedHat5.1.
> I have try to rebuild it on RedHat5.1 and RedHat6.1,but I encounted problems.
> On RedHat5.1:
>         I try to rebuild the packages and omit building the debug binaries.
>         But there are errors.
>         (There are some critical packages, such as egcs, glibc, libstdc++,
>         in my RedHat5.1 are older then required in the INSTALL file. Does that
> matter?)

Hi Zhao:

Yes, it does matter (otherwise I would not have mentioned it). Please
read the section "Final Hints" of file INSTALL. All critical packages
can be found in subdirectory "contrib" of the ptolemy-0.7.1p1-3

> On RedHat6.1:
>         I just used the command "rpm --rebuild ptolemy-0.7....", but there still
>         have errors. I have copied part of the output messages from the screen
>         and send with this mail as attachment.Maybe you can help me to find the
>         reason.

RedHat 6.0 and 6.1 comes with a newer compiler. You need 
ptolemy-0.7.1p1-10.src.rpm which can be downloaded from the same site
Rpm-3.x is buggy. So please downgrade to rpm-2.5.6-6.0 before starting
install, upgrade, or uninstall process. Please read KNOWN_BUGS before

I already posted answers with regard to the problems you mentioned above
to the Ptolemy hackers mailing list and the Ptolemy news group
(news:comp.soft-sys.ptolemy) several times. Next time please make sure
that your problem has not been answered before.

> One more question:
>         I can not find the "%built" section when I try to comment it in the
>         ptolemy-0.7.1p1.spec file. There only have "%build".And when I want to
>         comment the "%files" sections, should I only comment the lines headed
>         with "%files" or the whole section seperated by empty line?

In order to omit building and packaging of the debug version:

  - in the "%build" section of ptolemy-0.7.1p1.spec comment all lines
between line "# remove the first pound sign of the next 37 ..." and line
"# now start building DLL version"

  - comment all lines of section "%files debugbin" including the section

  - comment all lines of section "%files devel_debugbin" including the
section line

> Thank you very much!
>                                 Yours,
>                                 Zhao Wenhui

I hope this will be helpful to you.

Regards Wolfgang.
Wolfgang Reimer (Dr.-Ing.)
Technische Universität Ilmenau - Ilmenau University of Technology
Address:   TU Ilmenau, FEI/IKM, PF 100565, 98684 Ilmenau, GERMANY
http://ikmcip1.e-technik.tu-ilmenau.de    Phone: +49-3677-69-2619
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     Fax  : +49-3677-69-1195

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