Hyeran Lim wrote:
> Thanks, Vince.
> By the way, it didn't work with me.
> I've been trying different ways to install ptolemy.
> I created a user named ptolemy and did what Vince suggested me.
> I also tried to start with source files.
> I failed to create $PTOLEMY/bin.linux.
> I tried them as a root and had the same result.
> Did I do something wrong? Is there anybody who had the same problem of
> mine?
> If somebody helps me out with this problem, I'd appreciate it a lot.
> Hyeran
> On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, Vince Sylvester wrote:
> > Hyeran,
> >
> > I am not a Ptolemy expert but I'll give you my suggestions anyhow:
> >
> > Section A.4 of the Ptolemy user's manual indicates that the preferred way
> > to install Ptolemy "involves creating a fictitious user with the userid
> > ptolemy.
> > I recommend that you follow the preferred installation instructions.
> >
> > A version of Ptolmey 0.7.1 that works under RedHat Linux 6.1 may be found
> > at ftp://ftp.tu-ilmenau.de/pub/unix/ptolemy/ptolemy0.7.1.linux/ .
> >
> > After establishing the user ptolemy log in as ptolemy and go to the default
> > subdirectory (i.e., /users/ptolemy).  Next, download the following two
> > files into that subdirectory:
> > (1) ptolemy-source-0.7.1p1-10.i386.rpm ,  and
> > (2) ptolemy-bin-0.7.1p1-10.i386.rpm .
> >
> >
> > Next, while in /users/ptolemy execute the following:
> >
> > /bin/rpm -ivh --prefix /users/ptolemy \
> > ptolemy-source-0.7.1p1-10.i386.rpm \
> > ptolemy-bin-0.7.1p1-10.i386.rpm
> >
> >
> > The remaining installation instructions are documented well in Section A.4
> > of the Ptolemy 0.7 Users's Manual.
> >
> > I hope that this help.
> >
> >
> >
> > Vince
> >
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
> mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Hyeran:

1) I used to create detailed install instructions for my Ptolemy RPM
Packages but because I have been (and I am) under heavy load I only
created a short file KNOWN_BUGS which you should read in any case. I
also suggest that you read the file
which contains detailed instructions for an older Ptolemy rpm
distribution (for RedHat 5.x). Most of the instructions are still valid
(ignore the first item of section "Final hints" in chapter 2.6 which
suggests to uninstall/replace some compiler related packages).

When using my rpm packages you should not have any problems at all. They
were tested to install fine under RedHat 6.0 and 6.1. You don't have to
create a user ptolemy and you should not create any directories and/or
files by hand. All required files/directories, startup scripts (to set
the required variables), and even menu entries (to start Ptolemy by
mouse click from the window manager) will be created automatically when
installing the Ptolemy packages via RPM. In order to install the
packages, at least you have to take the following steps:

  a) Become super user and downgrade rpm-2.5.6 (this is required only
     because rpm-3.x has a bad bug, see file KNOWN_BUGS):

       cd <directory_which_contains_rpm-2.5.6>
       rpm -Uvh --oldpackage rpm-2.5.6-6.0.i386.rpm rpm-devel-2.5.6-6.0

     Rpm-2.5.6 packages are in the same directory which Ptolemy is in.

     Only if you should get error messages (this should happen under
     RH 6.1 only) like

       error: removing these packages would break dependencies:
        rpm is needed by gnorpm-0.9-10
        rpm is needed by kpackage-1.3.8-5
        rpm is needed by rpm2html-1.2-4
        rpm is needed by rpmfind-1.2-4
        rpm is needed by ucd-snmp-4.0.1-4
        rpm is needed by ucd-snmp-utils-4.0.1-4

     then you should remove the mentioned packages before retrying
     to downgrade, e.g.:

       rpm -ev gnorpm kpackage rpm2html rpmfind ucd-snmp ucd-snmp-utils

    After downgrading do NOT forget to rebuild the RPM data base (This
    is necessary because RPM 2.x and 3.x have different data base

       rpm --rebuilddb

   b) As super user install the Ptolemy packages. For a minimum install:

        cd <directory_which_contains_ptolemy_rpms>
        rpm -ivh ptolemy-source-0.7.1p1-10.i386.rpm ptolemy-bin-0.7.1p1-10.i386.rpm

      Log out and log in as an arbitrary user to start Ptolemy (pigi)
      via X11 window manager menu (Click on the entry showing Mr.
      Ptolemy's face). Consult the Ptolemy User's Guide for any
      questions on how to use Ptolemy. 

   You should not get any error messages (beside the above mentioned)
   from rpm. DO NOT USE rpm options like "--force" or "--nodeps" to
   force rpm to ignore dependencies. This can possibly make your system

2) If despite of reading all the docs you should have any problems then
   please send a detailed problem report which should also contain all
   warnings/error messages you have gotten so far. A report like
   "it didn't work with me" or "I failed to create $PTOLEMY/bin.linux"
   is not useful if you want to get help from someone. The report should
   contain information on your platform and it should exactly document
   the actions (commands etc.) you have taken and the reactions
   (errors, warnings etc.) you have gotten. The best is to copy/paste
   the screen contents and/or to redirect the standard output and error
   output into a file so that everything is documented completely and

Hope this is helpful to you. Please let me know how it goes.


Wolfgang Reimer (Dr.-Ing.)
Technische Universität Ilmenau - Ilmenau University of Technology
Address:   TU Ilmenau, FEI/IKM, PF 100565, 98684 Ilmenau, GERMANY
http://ikmcip1.e-technik.tu-ilmenau.de    Phone: +49-3677-69-2619
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     Fax  : +49-3677-69-1195

V I R T U A L      P H O T O N I C S      I N C O R P O R A T E D
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Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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