>"You must specify a Target to access Pragmas.
>It cannot be <parent>. Delay or bus marker intersects more than one
>Failed to process instances. "
>This might sound naive but how should I specify a target in the CGC so
>that I donot get this error message. 

I don't think you want to specify a target in the galaxy.
<parent> is probably ok.  The real problem is with the delay
marker; the message about accessing pragmas seems to 
come up whenever there is any error inside a galaxy -- ignore
it and it will go away when you fix the real problem.  I've
never seen the "intersects more than one path" error, but
my guess is that you have drawn a wire over the top of another
one and put a delay on both.  Also, be aware that you cannot
put a delay on a wire that forks -- you must explicitly use the
fork star and put the delay on its input or one of the outputs.


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