Satyanarayana Kakarlamudi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>        I am trying to run a sample program modulation.xml using vergil in 
>    ptolemyII 1.But i am getting an error message like 
> class not found.I checked for this class in 
> package.But the class is not found. Can anyone please
>    help me in this aspect. is an xml file, not a Java class.
MoML can access both xml files and Java classes.

ptolemy/actor/lib/Sinewave.xml is present in the ptolemy.jar file
that we ship with Ptolemy II.  

Under Unix or Windows with Cygwin, you can look inside the jar file
and search for Sinewave with:
cxh@maury 3% jar -tvf ~/ptII/ptolemy/ptolemy.jar | grep Sinewave
  3644 Fri Feb 23 23:30:50 PST 2001 ptolemy/actor/lib/Sinewave.xml

The problem you are having sounds like some sort of classpath issue.

Check out
and try starting vergil by hand.

To proceed further, I would need to know:

What operating system you are operating under (Windows 2000 SR1?
Solaris 7?) 

How did you install Ptolemy II?  If you used the Windows Installer,
Which installer did you use?  The Ptiny version or the full

What is the exact version of Ptolemy II you are running?
     Ptolemy II 1.0beta 
     Ptolemy II 1.0beta2 
     Ptolemy II ptiny 1.0beta 
     Ptolemy II ptiny 1.0beta2 
Under Windows, the version is listed in the Start->Ptolemy menu
and in the initial splash screen

What version of Java you are running? (Run java -version, or use
our Java Version Applet ) 

>       I have one more doubt.Should the classes referred for instantiation be
>    only java classes or can they be user-defined.if they r user-defined what
>    language will be good for doing that.i am comfortable with C.Can i write
>    in that.

If you download the full version of Ptolemy II, then you can write
your own actors in Java.

Ptolemy II does not directly support actors written in C.  You could
in theory write actors in C and use the Java Native Interface (JNI) to
interface between Java and C.  However, using JNI is fairly difficult,
you would be better off learning Java and using it directly.


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mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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