Sorry to respond to my own email, but the problem is a known Java bug

> A program which calls the static method getDefaultToolkit()in
> class Toolkit won't terminate. The following is a simplest
> java source code for this bug.
> import java.awt.*;
> class Test {
>    public static void main(String[] args) {
>         Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
>     }
> }
> After starting this program, it should return to OS. However,
> it hangs there forever.

I verified that this bug occurs under JDK1.3.1_06, but does
not occur in JDK1.4.1

In a Ptolemy II 2.0.1 tree with JDK1.3.1_06, I ran
$PTII/bin/ptexecute -debug stdouttest.xml
and then started up jdb within emacs with M-x jdb, which
ran jdb -attach javadebug

And then I did 
  stop in java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()

The program stopped, and I did
and got
  [1] java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit (
  [2] java.awt.SystemColor.updateSystemColors (
  [3] java.awt.SystemColor.<clinit> (
  [4] java.lang.Class.forName0 (native method)
  [5] java.lang.Class.forName (
  [6] javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLookAndFeel.class$(
  [7] javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLookAndFeel.loadSystemColors 
  [9] javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLookAndFeel.getDefaults (
  [10] javax.swing.UIManager.setLookAndFeel (
  [11] javax.swing.UIManager.setLookAndFeel (
  [12]<init> (
  [13]<init> (
  [14] (

and the resulting stacktrace indicated that we
were calling getDefaultToolkit from the line in ptolemy/actor/gui/

        // The Java look & feel is pretty lame, so we use the native
        // look and feel of the platform we are running on.
        // NOTE: This creates the only dependence on Swing in this
        // class.  Should this be left to derived classes?
        try {
--->            UIManager.setLookAndFeel(
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Ignore exceptions, which only result in the wrong look
and feel.

If I commented out those lines, then the bug went away
and the example worked fine under JDK1.3.1_06

Note that the PrintThreads methods also end up invoking
getDefaultToolkit(), so if you added code that calls a PrintThreads
method, then you should remove that code.

I tried to use Eclipse to set a breakpoint in getDefaultToolkit,
but I could not figure out how to use Eclipse to set a breakpoint in
a class defined within the JVM.  I'm sure it can be done in Eclipse,
but it was not obvious.

BTW - another workaround is to use the -test argument which
calls System.exit after two seconds:

$PTII/bin/ptexecute -test stdouttest.xml
java -classpath "$PTII;$PTII/lib/diva.jar" 
-test stdouttest.xml


I wrote:
> Sorry for the delay, I was away last week.
> I took a look at this 
> I could not reproduce the problem under
> PtII 2.1devel  Windows 2000  JDK1.4.1_01-b01
>       CYGWIN_NT-5.0 MOWAT-171 1.3.10(0.51/3/2) 2002-02-25 11:14 i686
> PtII 2.1devel  Windows XP    JDK1.4.1-b21
>       CYGWIN_NT-5.1 DOPLAP03 1.3.10(0.51/3/2) 2002-02-25 11:14 i686
> PtII 2.0.1     Windows XP    JDK1.4.1-b21
>       CYGWIN_NT-5.1 DOPLAP03 1.3.10(0.51/3/2) 2002-02-25 11:14 i686
> However, under
> PtII 2.0.1     WindowsXP     JDK1.3.1_04 and JDK1.3.1_06
>       CYGWIN_NT-5.1 DOPLAP03 1.3.10(0.51/3/2) 2002-02-25 11:14 i686
> Your example hangs after running and does not return to stdout
> It looks like the problem is solved by JDK1.4.1.  However, JDK1.4.1
> will not work with codegen in Ptolemy II 2.0.1.  There are a couple
> of issues, one involving a change in the byte codes generated
> by the Java compiler, the other involving a bug in Soot.
> If you do not require codegen, then you could try JDK1.4.1
> Other than that, we could poke around and see if there is a workaround
> to the bug under JDK1.3.1.  I suspect that either a thread is not
> ending or that perhaps we are keeping a file descriptor open
> ptII/util/testsuite/ might be useful here, or
> running the example under a debugger might help
> I'm rebuilding a PtII 2.0.1 tree under JDK1.3.1_06, and I'll see
> if there is any obvious difference between running under JDK1.3.1_06
> and JDK1.4.1
> -Christopher
> --------
>     Ok, I was not clear.
>     Let me try further.
>     Attached is a very simple example that simple creates data on standard out.
>     When I run :
>     java -classpath "$PTII:$PTII/lib/diva.jar"
>    cation ./greg_simple.xml
>     on an Linux platform the command executes and control is returned to the ba
>    sh shell.
>     When I run:
>     java -classpath "$PTII;$PTII/lib/diva.jar"
>    cation ./greg_simple.xml
>     (only change is ; instead of :)
>     on a CYGWIN platform, the command executes (i.e output comes to standard ou
>    t), BUT CONTROL
>     IS NOT RETURNED  to the bash shell
>     My uname -a on the CYGWIN results in
>     CYGWIN_NT-5.0 RUSS-LAPTOP2 1.3.12(0.54/3/2) 2002-07-06 02:16 i686 unknown
>     Note that your example brings up a display, mine does not.
>     And, yours does not terminate either.
>     Greg Rohling
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>     > Hmm.
>     > cd $PTII
>     > $PTII/bin/ptexecute ptolemy/domains/sdf/demo/Butterfly/Butterfly.xml
>     >
>     > works for me - the Butterfly comes up.
>     > I'm running under Windows XP SP1 and uname -a returns:
>     > CYGWIN_NT-5.1 EDALAP03 1.3.12(0.54/3/2) 2002-07-06 02:16 i686 unknown
>     >
>     > I'm a little confused because you say that the command completes, but
>     > command never comes back, but then you say that the java command is
>     > never executed?  It seems like there is a contradiction here.
>     >
>     > You could try running the command by hand by creating a simple shell
>     > script that contains something like
>     >
>     > java -classpath "$PTII;$PTII/lib/diva.jar"
>    lication ptolemy/domains/sdf/demo/Butterfly/Butterfly.xml
>     >
>     > and see if the problem is the shell script or PtExecuteApplication
>     >
>     > I think PtExecuteApplication requires the command line to contain
>     > a file name that contains the model, so I'm not sure if it will
>     > work reading a model from stdin.
>     >
>     > -Christopher
>     >
>     > --------
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >     I have been using ptexecute on a Linux platform to execute a
>     >     auto generated models output onto standard-out.
>     >
>     >     When I try the same thing on a Windows/cygwin environment
>     >     the standard out completes, but control never comes
>     >     back to the terminal without a <ctrl> c.
>     >     A placed a set -x in the ptexecute script and found
>     >     that the java command is not executing.
>     >
>     >     Any ideas about how to get control back?
>     >
>     >     Greg Rohling
>     >
>     >
> <<Attachment deleted, see 

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