I have dipped into the descriptions of the various
simulation domains and haven't found anything quite
like what I'm looking for.  Again, apologies if I have
overlooked an obvious source.

Section 2.5 of this document:
has some interesting mixed model work but seems to
still constrain the contained models to be consistent
with a global time line.  Is that the case?

The ideal description of what I would like to do is to
take a simulation model and embed it into another model
that lets me manipulate the parameters.  To be
concrete, let's say that I have a DE domain model M
that takes some time sequence data and computes a
scalar measure f as a result of the completed execution
of the model M.  At first, I would just like to take
the slider class and connect it to one or more of the
parameters, say x, of model M and plot the sequence
f(x) in a sequence plotter.  Each value in f(x) is the
result of initializing and sweeping of time over the
model.  The second step would be to drive a set of
parameters x,y,z with input distributions and to get
a plot of the resulting distribution of f(x,y,z).
The next step after that would be to perform some sort
of optimization over f.

Is this possible with Ptolemy and what would be the
best way to approach this?  I suppose one could build a
director with explicit knowledge of a contained
director.  One might also envision some kind of
construct analogous to the "PortParameter", say
"DirectorParameter", which gave a structural way to
poke the control functions of the director.

Thanks - Jim

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