
Thanks for the feedback!

On 18.08.2016 08:53, Michael Olbrich wrote:
> I've made several comments below, that apply to more that one place. Please
> fix it everywhere.
> And check your configure options. You need to specify everything that is
> optional or may be auto detected. Please look at some other rules for
> guidance or ask me if you are unsure if an option should be specified.

Okay, everything optional or auto-detected should be pinned down now.
I've basically ignored every configure option relating to the toolchain,
like --enable-static, --enable-maintainer-mode, --with-pic,
--with-gnu-ld, etc.  Some of the packages take paths for CPPUnit, but I
ignored that too since tests are not run.

>> diff --git a/projectroot/lib/systemd/system/ibrdtnd.service 
>> b/projectroot/lib/systemd/system/ibrdtnd.service
>> [...]
>> +[Service]
>> +ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /etc/ibrdtn/bpsec /etc/ibrdtn/certs
>> +ExecStartPre=/bin/chown root:root -R /etc/ibrdtn/bpsec /etc/ibrdtn/certs
> The rootfs may be read-only. These directories should be created in the
> targetinstall stage.

Right!  I now mkdir'd the folder in the targetinstall stage using
${ROOTDIR}, but it seems the rootdir contents are all created with my
user and chown'd to root in the images stage later, so I didn't care for
chown'ing them in the targetinstall stage (which additionally would have
required (fake)root while building).

> Break like this:
>> +    --$(call ptx/wwo, PTXCONF_DTNDHT_WITH_OPENSSL)-openssl \
> no '\' for the last line.

Old habit of mine to get fewer unneccessary changes in diffs when adding
options in the future.  But okay, I've left it out for now :)

I also added a LIBC_M dependency in the packages that needed it because
the build output showed "-lm" in libtool calls.  I tried to discover
additional runtime dependencies, but didn't find a good way to determine
which objects are loaded at run time – on my machine I would have used
ldd for that, but I can't do that for ARM binaries.  Is there a way
without actually running the binary (in qemu)?  The Guru Guide chapter
on Managing External Runtime Dependencies is very sparse on that topic.

For the ibr* packages I also added the GitHub releases as additional
URLs, but the dtndht tarballs on GitHub have different checksums than
the tarballs from the official site.  Is there a way to handle that
(other than ignore one site)?

 - Roland

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