oh  I agree

-----Original Message-----
Date: Saturday, 21 November 1998 3:33
Subject: RE: Organising people

>[JS responding to DC's "I agree" to AA's agreement with my proposals for
>a "Vote No" campaign on the Republic]
>Me too, but what about setting up an email or on-line polling system for
>such questions, presumably with automatic counting and reporting.  Basic
>and No cases could be presented with initial poll, but should also
>for pollees to comment.
>Jim Stewart
>There are 3 separate issues here:
>a) Informal "straw polling" about whether people agree with my proposals
>for a "Vote No" campaign.
>b) What to do about "Organizing people" concerning those proposals.
>c) How to provide something better than "I agree's" and "Me toos" or "I
>disagrees" as a response to proposals e.g. by an online polling system.
>On a) my conclusion so far is that 3 people agree enough to say so, only
>1 of whom has gone  beyond a simple "I agree" or "me too" and none of
>whom have yet proceeded to develop concrete implications of the proposal
>that could result in action. On the other hand nobody has so far
>disagreed enough to say so, let alone present arguments against it. This
>is better than total silence, but only marginally so. I am still left
>wondering whether it is a pipe dream or something that could actually
>happen. I doubt that further similar responses will do much to change
>that (whereas some "no's" with argument could at least lead to
>On b) I have explained repeatedly that I am not going to do much
>organizing so there isn't any use waiting for me to give the lead. I
>believe I have made a useful contribution by writing an article putting
>forward a "line" and it is up to others whether or not they want to
>actually do something about it. My view on "Organising people" in this
>context is that wherever there is some viable project consistent with
>Neither's aims, people who want that project to be done should simply
>form a project group and do it.
>Perhaps that isn't the way we should go about organising people. If so,
>we should discuss what other way to go about it here in this subject
>thread. To make that more concrete here's an elaboration which should be
>discussed in the "Vote No" subject thread if people actually want to do
>something along those lines.
>I am putting it here in the context of whether inviting people to setup
>project groups with web sections is or is not the way to go for
>"Organising people". (Lack of progress so far may be just be connected
>with the direct ftp update facility not yet being available and the list
>still being small or may point to the need for some other approach).
>The first step would be for a couple of people to step forward and say
>"I want to actually work on this" and invite others to contact them to
>join in. Then setup a "Vote No" project group section of the web site as
>a focus, with background material, news, proposals etc and perhaps an
>email list for coordination, plan a program of activities and carry out
>those activities, reporting through the web section and on what the plan
>is and what has been done so far.
>Examples of things that need doing are:
>1) Preparing a shorter article clearly explaining the strategy for wide
>distribution and for inclusion in the next Neither mailout. Incidentally
>Darce already did an improved version of my long article which
>unfortunately did not get used at the time but could be a basis for
>further work on that. It should be placed in the project group's section
>with invitations for further drafts. When a final version is ready it
>could be linked in the main pages.
>2) Preparing even shorter leaflets, posters, bumper stickers etc etc
>with carefully thought out slogans and brief arguments for mass
>distribution and making these available through the web site and by
>other means.
>3) Collecting links to other material concerning the "Republic Debate"
>and polemical replies to the ARM's propaganda so the "debate" actually
>4) Drafting letters to the editor, speakers kits, a pamphlet etc to help
>people actively intervene in the debate when it breaks out in the
>newspapers, talk back radio etc and spills over into general
>conversation etc.
>5) Contacting other groups that should be working on this and explaining
>to them why they should.
>6) Establishing with people from other groups (including "names" known
>to the media) an "umbrella" organization sponsoring a "Vote No" campaign
>independently of both Neither and Australians for a Constitutional
>Monarchy but including both. In particular people elected to the ConCon
>who did not vote for the final ARM resolution like Phil Cleary, Paddy
>O'Brien etc should be contacted.
>We will actually start "Organising people" when we start doing those
>sort of things (and others).
>I suggest that people interested in actually doing something along those
>(or different) lines, or opposed to doing so should respond to this part
>of this message in the original subject thread:
>mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=Vote%20No%20http://www.neither.or
>That will keep discussions on a "Vote No" campaign in a clearly
>identificable subject thread, which also includes the URL for the
>article with my proposals. The first (and so far only) article in that
>thread is archived as:
>Hopefully it may go further now that at least 3 people have expressed
>agreement, provided they do turn to towards concrete implementation.
>On c) I will respond in a separate message under the "Parliament of the
>Net" subject thread.
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