Great ad hominem; I could not have done better myself and, sure enough, it
really did get up the noses of the dreamy do-gooders. You did get a copy of
the picture I suppose,  so you  talk from experience. There is a very valid
reason why the picture - and the identity of blondie - will not be
forthcoming on the www; see if you can figure it out.

-----Original Message-----
From: alister air <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, 10 November 1998 5:29 AM
Subject: Re: Organising people

>At 18:39 9/11/98 +0800, omega wrote:
>>Now this will really get up the noses of the dreamy do-gooders but, if it
>>could be proved that a foreign power sent in a squad of hired killers to
>>murder Australian citizens for political purposes - namely to disarm THE
>>PEOPLE to bulldoze a way for the Fourth Reich of the Rich to do as they
>>please with 'the poor' (or as Noam chomsky calls it: 'The Welfare State
>>the Rich'), then that might just provide the blood-lust needed to start a
>History shows that almost every successful revolution always had supporters
>in the armed forces which could supply weapons to the working class.
>Furthermore, what effect do you think your now-banned semi-automatic rifle
>would have against body-armoured police armed with semi-automatic pistols,
>or armoured personell carriers, let alone tanks and helicopter gunships?
>If real proof were available of the above (and I mean real proof, not wacko
>conspiracy theories) then why has the evidence been sent to politicians,
>presumably that same group you're complaining is covering it up?
>Furthermore, it's a very simple matter to post photos and/or video footage
>on a web site.  Sure, these things can be faked, but if even potentially
>fake footage or photos hasn't seen the light of day yet, then what chance
>is there that there's real evidence?
>This thing strikes me as a vague form of ghoulish profiteering... send $15
>to this address and honest!  You'll get some pictures of the One World
>Government [tm] Hired Goons {c} running amok in, of all places, Port
>Arthur, Tasmania.
>You might have brushed over Chomsky, but you haven't actually understood
>where he's coming from... seeing as he's an anarchist and all.

I have read - carefully too - all of Chomskys books, and his comments at
MIT, and those on the Anarchist sites; mostly I agree with him.

>Look, the NSW election's coming up, and there's a chance that support for
>the two-party state will become law.  There's going to be a republic
>referendum, and all osrts of things are happening, and if amongst this tiny
>group of people we can't stay focussed, what chance have we of organising a
>national campaign?

Zoom in the lens then; next suggestion as to how to destroy a dictatorship.
Perhaps we need a total financial collapse, burn some Chinks, start street
riots, and generally wreck the whole system just to wake some up - like the
baseball bat over the head to at least get some attention first - and do as
the Indonesians are doing. No? You are right though regarding the wallopers
and the military taking different sides in a stoush, and if you have your
own guns then you can get some of the ones from the dictators side - with
some help from your mates in the forces.

Between you me and the gate post, I suspect the Australians will do nothing
until they do hear the sound of gunfire in their suburbs. The youth are not
doing such a bad job of waking the dodoes up right now by attacking head-on;
it has at least got some away from their Tunnel Vision sets and into the
streets. What do you reckon, is the youth rampage spontaneous, or: 'the One
World Government [tm] Hired Goons {c} running amok in, of all places, Port
Arthur, Tasmania.'?

>"Let us not fool ourselves, half a century after the adoption
>of this Declaration (of human Rights) and supposedly under its
>protection, millions of people have died in the world without
>reaching the age of 50 and without even knowing that there was
>a universal document that should have protected them."
>         Roberto Robaina, Cuba's Foreign Minister
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