American, Not Only Russian, Volunteers for Serbia?
PHOENIX, Apr. 11 - We've all heard about the 60,000+ Russian volunteers who have signed up to fight for Serbia against NATO, including some 5,000 Cossacks, the imperial Russia's fiercest warriors.
"Here on the bridge are the Russian Cossacks, the Russian officers, the Russian generals," said one among the many Cossacks displaying a colorful array of Tsarist uniforms, traditional sheep skin hats and impressive waxed mustaches, who joined yesterday the Serbian "human shield" crowd, gathered for yet another night on the Brankov bridge across the river Sava in Belgrade.
But now, the Serbs and the Russian freedom fighters are not alone. Some proud American veterans are also coming forth, offering to fight as volunteers. Capt. Richard Davidson, a retired US Navy pilot with a distinguished military career, is one of them. He wrote to us today (and to other former U.S. military veterans, like Col. David Hackworth) urging a formation of volunteer American troops to fight NATO.
"It would be a kick in the pants to O.J. Clinton if a volunteer force of Americans could be organized for the same purpose (as the Russian volunteers)," Capt. Davidson said. "I'm sure there are many out there who feel as I do. But how many would actually put their butt on the line is, of course, unknown. What we are doing in Serbia is insane. But then again, we have a leader of the Free World who is insane. I just had my 71st birthday, and my fighting days are behind me. (But) a volunteer force is worth considering. There would be many ramifications, but maybe somewhere out there is someone who could make such a force a reality."
No Oath to Obey Orders!
PHOENIX, Apr. 11 - We also received today the following comment from Mr. Jeff Elias Dorrance, a former US Army soldier:
"This is the very first time in American history that the United States of America has ever unleashed a major military attack against another country without there first having been something, be it however flimsy (Gulf of Tonkin incident), or major (Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor), by way of a provocation to indicate that we were being attacked or threatened. In other words, we are clearly the aggressor. We are the bad guys in this one.
According to the U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, paragraphs 1 and 11, "The Congress shall have Power...To declare War...". Congress not having declared any war against Yugoslavia, U.S. forces there are acting in contradiction to the document they took an oath to defend, the Constitution. They took no oath to obey orders. They did take an oath to defend and protect the United States Constitution. I should know, as I was once a soldier in the U.S. Army. I want to see a pilot with the guts to tell his commander to take his order to bomb that bridge in Yugoslavia to and stick it in his ear until there is a formal declaration of war.
To the extent that there are now thousands of refugees suffering in miserable camps in various locales in the Balkans, NATO may be the cause of it. In any event, the NATO attacks did not prevent this catastrophe, and may very well have made it worse than it otherwise might have been. And NATO was ill prepared to deal with the refugee crisis. In short NATO has proved that its usefulness is finally at an end. It is now time for NATO to cash in its chips and disband. It won the "Cold War" and it's time now for us to bring our soldiers home before they do further damage or risk getting themselves killed."
Jeffrey Elias Dorrance

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