-----Original Message-----
From: American Dissident Voices <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: National Alliance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, 30 May 1999 12:29 AM
Subject: ADV5-29-99: Fooling the People

>American Dissident Voices Broadcast of May 29, 1999
>Fooling the People
>by Dr. William Pierce
>One of President Abe Lincoln's most memorable statements about the
>government of the United States was to the effect that it is able to
>fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of
>the time, but that it can't hope to fool all of the people all of the
>time. He made this statement as an argument for honesty in government:
>since the government can't fool all of the people all of the time, it is
>bound to lose its credibility if it tries.
>Well, that was about 140 years ago, and things really were quite
>different in the United States at that time. For one thing, there was no
>television. For another thing, there were virtually no Jews. Even
>without Jews we had plenty of liars, of course: plenty of men who
>aspired to fool as many people as they could for as long as necessary.
>These men who aspired to deceive others tended to go into the business
>of selling used horses or into the ministry or journalism or the
>practice of law or to run for public office, but for the most part
>Lincoln's observation about the pitfalls of trying to fool all the
>people all the time held true, and the amount of damage done by these
>deceptive men remained within reasonable bounds.
>As I said, that was 140 years ago, and things have changed in America.
>One of the most depressing aspects of the situation in America today is
>the extent to which the government and the controlled media,
>collaborating with one another, are able to deceive most of the people
>all the time. In fact, if Lincoln were making his observation about
>deceiving people today, it would sound something like this: "The
>government can't fool all of the people all the time, but in a democracy
>that's not necessary. In a democracy all the government has to do is
>fool most of the people most of the time, and if the controlled media
>and the government are working together that's easy." Since Bill Clinton
>became President, the government and the mass media have been
>collaborating to an unprecedented degree.
>In past programs I've given you a number of examples of this government
>and media deceit, especially with regard to race. Actually, where the
>media are concerned, the deceit works at two levels. First there is the
>false portrayal of reality and the pushing of certain destructive ideas
>by the entertainment media.
>Consider the casting in films, for example, of heroes and villains. The
>Jews who own Hollywood and the television industry have some very strong
>notions about what a villain should look like. He definitely should be
>blond. Blue or gray or green eyes are a definite plus. The more he fits
>the "Aryan ideal" the Germans were fond of 60 years ago, the better. And
>come to think of it, it will be good if he also has just a trace of a
>German accent -- or if a German accent doesn't fit the story, a Southern
>accent will do. Think about all of the films you've seen with villains
>who fit that casting model. Amazing, isn't it?
>And as for heroes, the Jews in Hollywood have never met a Black film
>character they didn't admire. Compare the number of Black directors of
>the Central Intelligence Agency, Black generals, Black Presidents of the
>United States, Black rocket scientists or Black brain surgeons or
>brilliant Black computer hackers you've seen in Hollywood films with the
>number you've seen in real life. Is there a discrepancy there? Then
>obviously it's because our racist society has held Blacks back. At
>least, that's what the Jews would like the viewers of their films to
>By chance I happened to view a film last night called Kiss the Girls: a
>very forgettable, very unexceptional 1997 film produced by Paramount,
>which is owned by Sumner Redstone's Viacom Corporation. The screenplay,
>written by David Klass, is about serial killers and sexual deviants who
>kidnap girls and keep them locked up in their basements. Although there
>are several weirdos in the film, the principal weirdo -- the one who
>kidnaps the heroine and keeps her locked in his basement with several
>other women -- is a blond.
>The hero is a Black detective who also has a doctorate in psychology and
>has published widely read research papers in psychology. He also just
>happens to be an expert in pharmacology, who is able to recognize
>certain obscure drug effects which trained White doctors can't. When he
>introduces himself to one White female doctor, her immediate response
>is, "Yes, I've read your work." This Black savant detective thinks
>circles around all of the White cops in the film, of course, most of
>whom have a sort of Southern cracker attitude. And of course, the White
>heroine in the film -- a real feminist, naturally --  just can't keep
>her hands off the Black hero. As I said this is a very forgettable, very
>unremarkable film -- but it is typical of thousands of others with the
>same distortion of racial reality. And really, this sort of racial
>casting is deliberate. It is carefully planned. It is intended to
>implant certain ideas in the subconscious minds of White viewers. It is
>intended to change their self-image and their opinion of Blacks and
>their attitudes toward racial mixing and interracial sex. Jews Sumner
>Redstone and David Klass know exactly what they're doing. And they fool
>most of their viewers most of the time.
>But the deception doesn't stop with entertainment. It extends to the
>news. On earlier programs I've discussed the way in which the news media
>deliberately misrepresent interracial crime. I devoted a program to a
>detailed examination of the way the news media deliberately emphasized
>and exaggerated the egregiousness of the killing of a Black ex-convict
>in Jasper, Texas, who was dragged behind a pickup truck by three White
>ex-convicts. I pointed out that the news media carefully avoided
>mentioning the fact that the Black victim was a convicted criminal who
>had spent time in prison. I pointed out that the White man who was being
>tried, John King, had acquired his intense hatred of Blacks when he was
>himself imprisoned with Blacks and exposed to sexual attacks by them.
>The news media portrayed the Black victim as a choir boy, and they
>implied that John King was born with his completely baseless hatred of
>Blacks because that's just the way Southern, rural Whites are. White
>racism is sort of an "original sin" that we all must do penance for.
>Most of all in that program I contrasted the enormous news coverage
>given to the trial of John King for the Jasper killing, making it the
>number-one national news story for weeks, with a trial taking place at
>exactly the same time in a Denver courtroom. In Denver a mestizo was
>being tried for his part in the abduction, brutal gang rape, unspeakable
>sexual torture, and murder of a 14-year-old White girl, Brandy Duvall,
>by members of a mestizo gang, the Bloods, and it was totally blacked
>out; it was not mentioned even once in the national news.
>In another program I contrasted the news coverage of the shooting of a
>convicted Black drug dealer and his girl friend by a White soldier,
>James Burmeister, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in December 1995,
>with the gang-initiation murder last August of two pretty, young White
>women, Tracy Lambert and Susan Moore, in Fayetteville by members of the
>Black-and-mestizo Crips gang. The shooting of the Black drug dealer and
>his girl friend was spotlighted and given national news coverage for
>weeks, while the gang-initiation murder of the two White girls was
>totally blacked out.
>Please note the two distinct ways in which the public is fooled by this
>deceptive coverage. In the first way there is the emphasis on news which
>fits the propaganda themes of the Jewish media bosses, and the blackout
>or at least de-emphasis of news which doesn't fit. For the news which
>fits, they trot out the politicians and the Christian ministers and put
>them in front of the television cameras to lecture us on the evils of
>White racism and the need to silence the "haters" like me and to enact
>new "hate crime" legislation. And you never hear the news which doesn't
>fit, such as the murder of Brandy Duvall or Tracy Lambert or Susan
>The second way in which they fool the public is to distort the news they
>do report: for example, not mentioning that one of the Blacks shot by
>James Burmeister in Fayetteville was a drug dealer just out of prison on
>a drug conviction, and not mentioning that the Black, James Bird,
>dragged behind a truck in Jasper last summer was also an ex-convict.
>They want to present the slain Blacks to the public as paragons of
>virtue -- bright and useful citizens whose lives were brutally snuffed
>out by hateful, racist Whites.
>They're doing the same sort of distortion of the news to make it fit in
>the case of the recent school shootings at Columbine High School in
>Littleton, Colorado. Perhaps you remember that when I first spoke about
>the Colorado shootings a little over a month ago I pointed out that the
>media deliberately were trying to create the impression in the minds of
>the public that the two boys who did the shooting were "racists"
>deliberately targeting Blacks and that they were "neo-Nazis" who spoke
>German to each other and chose Adolf Hitler's birthday for the shooting.
>I reported that the day after the shooting, newscaster Tom Brokaw
>interviewed for the NBC Nightly News exactly one parent of the 13 slain
>students, and that was the father of the one Black who was shot. Brokaw
>didn't tell us that only one Black was shot, of course, but he spoke
>only of this one Black victim. He spoke of none of the 12 White victims.
>He deliberately prolonged the false impression that most of the victims
>were Black. He and other media spokesmen also continued to hint that the
>boys were "neo-Nazis," even though they knew that one of the boys, Dylan
>Klebold, was a Jew. They didn't say anything about Klebold's Jewishness
>to the public, of course.
>Once the media bosses had planted the idea in the minds of the public
>that the two killers were "racists" and "neo-Nazis," the subsequent
>revelation that all except one of the victims were White didn't change
>this impression. Preachers and politicians were still giving us tearful
>little sermons about "ending the hate" in connection with what happened
>at Columbine High School. Guilt-stricken White women were still becoming
>hysterical for the television cameras and babbling about how "hate" and
>"racism" were responsible. Jewish organizations such as the ADL used the
>confusion as an opportunity to push for their pet project, which is
>censoring the Internet to halt the propagation of what they define as
>Well one bit of news which Tom Brokaw and the other network spokesmen
>forgot to mention was what the Columbine killers talked about on the
>Internet. One would think that it would be wonderful grist for the
>Jewish media mill, showing the public the "racist" ravings on the
>Internet of the two "neo-Nazi" killers. But Brokaw and the others were
>silent on the subject. A little digging, however -- actually, just
>scanning the New York Times web site -- was enough to turn up the
>following material from Eric Harris's web site, and I quote: "You know
>what I hate?" Harris wrote. "Racism! . . . Don't let me catch you making
>fun of someone just because they are a different color." -- end quote --
>Harris also wrote that people who don't like -- quote --  "blacks,
>Asians, Mexicans or people from any other country or race besides
>white-American" should  -- quote -- "have their arms ripped off" and be
>burned. All the indications are that the killers, far from being the
>Politically Incorrect independent thinkers the Jewish media would have
>us believe they were, actually were strict conformists to the Jewish
>party line on racial matters.
>Despite this reality, of a Jewish killer and a partner who raved on the
>Internet about wanting to "rip the arms off" racists, the Jewish media
>bosses were able to use the Columbine High School tragedy to fool a
>substantial part of the public into believing that the two killers were
>White racists and "neo-Nazis." They were able to fool the public because
>they already had fooled the public so often in the past that they had
>the public conditioned to accept anything which fit the notion that
>White racists and "neo-Nazis" are dangerous and are likely to kill their
>neighbors, and that when someone does kill his neighbors, the chances
>are that he is a White racist or a "neo-Nazi." That's why we need more
>laws to keep guns out of the hands of White racists and to keep
>"neo-Nazis" off the Internet.
>One can imagine the Jews in the Anti-Defamation League rubbing their
>hands and laughing among themselves at how easy it has been to fool most
>of the people in this matter. And they're still busy keeping the people
>fooled about the Colorado shootings. Dozens of Jewish publications still
>are commenting about these shootings, and every one of them is
>deliberately deceptive. An example that I have in front of me now is the
>May 24 issue of The Jerusalem Report, which attempts to use the
>shootings to build public support for censoring the Internet. Without
>ever mentioning Klebold's Jewishness or the Politically Correct tone of
>Harris's anti-racist web site, The Jerusalem Report refers to -- quote
>-- "the racist and Nazi undertones" of the shootings, and suggests that
>they may have been inspired by "extremist" Internet sites such as that
>of my organization, the National Alliance. That sort of breathtakingly
>brazen lying is what the Jews proudly call "chutzpah."
>If one reads more of the ravings on Eric Harris's web site, it becomes
>clear that he had a badly impaired grip on reality. He apparently had
>watched so much television that he really couldn't distinguish between
>normal social behavior in the real world and the sort of sociopathic
>behavior portrayed by the Jews on television in thousands of films.
>Harris babbles on narcissistically about killing anybody who won't let
>him do whatever he likes:  -- quote -- "My belief is that if I say
>something, it goes. I am the law. If you don't like it you die. If I
>don't like you or I don't like what you want me to do, you die."  -- end
>quote --
>Another area where most of the American people have been fooled
>deliberately and massively by the media is the nature and character of
>Bill Clinton. I think that I already have made my opinion of the man
>clear in earlier broadcasts, but my opinion doesn't jibe with the image
>of Clinton presented to the public by the Jewish media. Recently,
>however, a ray of light was cast on the subject by the publication of
>the book All Too Human by George Stephanopoulos, a former senior White
>House adviser and one of Clinton's closest personal confidants.
>Stephanopoulos himself is a pretty sick puppy, not unlike the other
>liberal nutcases Clinton is surrounded by in the White House, but
>Clinton's behavior during the Monica Lewinsky scandal was too much even
>for Stephanopoulos, and he quit. Now he's written a book about what
>Clinton is really like at a personal level, and it makes interesting
>reading. In fact, Clinton, as described by Stephanopoulos, sounds a lot
>like Columbine High School killer Eric Harris. One of my favorite
>Clinton quotes from All Too Human is: -- quote -- "I believe in killing
>people who try to hurt you." There are many more of the sayings of
>Chairman Bill in the book, but that one really sums it up.
>And since Stephanopoulos spilled the beans, other present and former
>"insiders" and "friends of Bill" are coming out of the closet. One of
>them, newspaper reporter Walter Erricson, is now retired, but he used to
>cover Clinton when the latter was the governor of Arkansas. He says, and
>I quote: "Only an idiot would buy the public persona of Bill Clinton. He
>is an incredibly profane individual. He is now and always has been an
>angry man, who wants to inflict as much pain as possible on his
>enemies." -- end quote --
>"Only an idiot . . . ": well, I guess that includes a great many
>Americans. When the Jews realized, many years ago, that Bill Clinton
>could become a useful tool for them, they decided to fool the American
>people as to what sort of man he is, and they have succeeded in keeping
>most of them fooled most of the time. Clinton, of course, has made this
>deception easy for them, because he himself is an extraordinarily
>skillful liar and actor. He is very manipulative, and he is very careful
>to put on his false face whenever he is on camera.
>The American public saw only a few brief glimpses of his real
>personality when he gave a video-recorded deposition to Ken Starr's
>prosecution team last year, but those who know him personally have seen
>everything. They all report that Clinton habitually curses like a
>sailor, has temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way, and raves about
>wanting to kill people. One White House staffer reports that during the
>impeachment investigation by Ken Starr Clinton demanded at a White House
>staff meeting that the IRS should audit everyone on Starr's team.
>Several staff members told Clinton that wasn't a good idea. Clinton
>became enraged. The staff member reports, and I quote: "He slammed his
>fist down on the table and said, 'I can do any goddamned thing I want.
>I'm President of the United States. I take care of my friends, and I
>fuck with my enemies. That's the way it is. Anybody who doesn't like it
>can take a hike.'"  -- end quote -- Pardon my language, but I wanted to
>give you an exact quote.
>The principal difference between Bill Clinton and Eric Harris, it seems,
>is that Harris only had a shotgun, while Clinton has cruise missiles and
>cluster bombs -- which brings us to another area where the Jewish media
>have been successful in keeping most of the American people fooled, and
>that's Mr. Clinton's murderous war against the Serbs. The media have
>lied about every aspect of the war: about the reasons for beginning the
>war, about what the Serbs were doing to the Albanians and why, about the
>American conduct of the bombing campaign, about the effects of the war
>on the Serb people, and just about everything else. And again they have
>succeeded in fooling most of the people.
>The facts about the war are leaking out, but they're not getting to most
>of the people. Most of the people don't get any national or
>international news which doesn't come from a network television program,
>and that means that the Jews are able to keep most of them fooled all
>the time. In a democracy that's more than good enough. I want to share
>with you some of these facts about the war against Serbia which are not
>getting to most of the American people, but I'll have to postpone that
>until next week. Why don't you get a few friends who are interested in
>learning what's really going on in this war to listen with you. I'll try
>to make it interesting for them.
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