A judge of the Federal Court of Australia ruled that a State judge cannot
be charged with Judicial Corruption.

Here is Justice Beaumont's REASONS FOR JUDGEMENT:

1.      Before the Court is a reference from a Registrar pursuant to O 46, r 7A
of the Rules of Court.  The Registrar had given a direction pursuant to
that rule that documents sought to be filed on behalf of Mr Wilson not be

2.      In the summons which Mr Wilson seeks to file,  allegations are made of
judicial corruption against a Judge of a State court.  The allegations do
not contain any claim that the State Judges was purporting to exercise
federal jurisdiction.

3.      It is true,  as Mr Wilson points out,  that this Court does have
jurisdiction in matters arising under laws of the Commonwealth.  But,
relevantly,  the only law of the Commonwealth that could apply,  even
arguably,  in the present case are the provisions of Part III of the Crimes
Act 1914 (Cth).  When the provisions of that Part are examined it is quite
clear that an allegation of Judicial Corruption under s 32,  or an
allegation of official corruption under s 33 of the Crimes Act,  could only
be made out if the holder of the judicial office was a federal Judge or,
in the case of a State Judge,  was exercising federal jurisdiction.  As I
have said,  in the present case the allegation is made against a State
Judge and the claim is in respect of a non-federal matter;  that is to say,
 it was not anything done in the exercise of federal jurisdiction.

4.      That being so,  it is clear beyond any possible argument that this Court
has,  and can have,  no jurisdiction to entertain the claim sought to be
propounded by Mr Wilson.  In those circumstances,  pursuant to the powers I
have under O 46 r 7A,  I direct the Registrar to refuse to accept,  or
issue,  the summons which I will now initial and date for the purposes of

I certify that the preceding four (4) numbered paragraphs are a true copy
of the Reasons for Judgement herein of the Honourable Justice Beaumont.  3
June 1999. 

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