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From: ScanThisNews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ScanThisNews Recipients List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, 3 July 1999 9:36 AM
Subject: [FP] Washington Tax Forum on C-SPAN2 Tonight

>Washington Tax Forum on C-SPAN2 Tonight
>Today, attorney Larry Becraft, along with Joe Banister, Bill Benson, Bill
>Conklin, and Devvy Kidd, were the featured speakers at an event held in
>Washington D.C., the subject of which was the legality of the U.S. income
>tax system. The forum, held at the Washington Press Club on Friday, July 2,
>1999, was hosted by Albany, N.Y. radio talk-show host Robert Schulz.
>Larry Becraft is the attorney for the plaintiffs in the suit now pending in
>Alabama challenging the State's requirement for social security numbers as
>condition to being issued a driver's license. He also was the victorious
>attorney in one of the longest running and most costly (for the government)
>tax cases in history which took place in Memphis, Tennessee in 1992. The
>case involved 26 defendants, including the lead defendant Franklin Sanders.
>All were charged (in a 72-page indictment) with conspiracy to defraud the
>government, willful failure to file, and "divers other malefactions." All
>were found not guilty.
>The tax forum event was covered live this morning by the cable network
>television station C-SPAN2. According to their schedule, C-SPAN2 will again
>air the recorded program twice more tonight - first at 08:24pm EST, then
>again at 09:57pm EST.
>Forum Topic:
>Legality of Income and Social Security Taxes
>We The People
>National Press Club
>Washington, DC
> ID : 126261
>Length : 1 hr 27 min
>Event date : 07/02/99
>Program Host:
>Schulz, Robert, Chairman, We the People Foundation
>Larry Becraft, Constitutional Attorney
>Banister, Joseph, Special Agent (Fmr.), Internal Revenue Service
>Benson, William, Investigator (Fmr.), Illinois
>Conklin, William, Consultant
>Devvy Kidd, Researcher and Writer
>"Financial advisers and former Internal Revenue officials talked about the
>history of taxation in the U.S. and the constitutionality of the government
>being able to tax its citizens."
>The C-SPAN schedule is available here:
>[Thanks to Jim Groom for passing along this link]
>Quick side note: You can - and should - read Franklin Sander's story.
>Here is a short excerpt from his own account -
>[ "On January 9, 1990, just at dawn, the IRS struck. Although the
>[ agent investigating me knew very well that I was not violent, IRS
>[ agents and Tennessee Revenue Department agents roared in my driveway
>[ while the SWAT team in their black ninja suits poured out of the
>[ woods on either side of my house."
>[ "They attacked with reckless, malicious disregard for the safety of
>[ my wife and seven (7) children. All they needed to do was pick up
>[ the phone and tell me I had been indicted, and I would have gone
>[ downtown. No, these IRS thugs wanted headlines from a sensational
>[ 'pre-dawn raid' to scare the sheep for tax season, and to make me
>[ and my wife, the mother of my seven children, look violent and
>[ dangerous."
>Don't believe anything you read on the Net unless:
>1) you can confirm it with another source, and/or
>2) it is consistent with what you already know to be true.
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