-----Original Message-----
From: John Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, 6 July 1999 5:40 AM
Subject: What is truth?

Could the following be TRUE?

Yggdrasil's WNLibrary

Nationalist Comments on the News

Be sure to see two previous Comments on the News that have been moved to the permanent library; "What It Would Take to Cleanse Serbia" and Princeton Tries to Explain a Drop in Jewish Enrollment; or "What is Communism?"

Sacramento synagogues torched in 'night of fire'

A gem of a "blackout" has fallen under our jewelers loops for examination.

And it is a spectacular little gem!

The story below notes that three Sacramento synagogues were set ablaze in one evening.

Count them folks, - THREE!

Now one would think that the electronic media - television - would use this as an excuse for a massive campaign - somewhat akin to the "Black church burnings" several years back (but of much greater importance considering the nature of the targets). This story would be great for the ratings - high in emotional content - great tool for exposing the cowardliness of "hate".

So naturally, the uninitiated would expect the TV news and TV talk shows to harp on this one for at least a couple weeks. But there was not a peep about this incident on any of the TV channels.

Could it be a blackout? In my previous commentary entitled "Princeton Tries to Explain a Drop in Jewish Enrollment; or "What is Communism?", I noted that the "Blackout" was reserved for those instances in which disclosure could threaten the loyalty of "outer party" elites.

Folks, there was a problem with the story below that should give the veteran observer of such matters pause. For you see, the perpetrator of these torchings left leaflets behind to explain his motives, and the leaflets contained anti NATO and pro-Serb messages. In the words of a flier left by the perpetrators:

" The fake Albanian refugee crisis was manufactured by the International Jewsmedia to justify the terrorizing, the bestial bombing of our Yugoslavia back into the dark ages," and; "We are Slavs, we will never allow the International Jews World Order to take our Land."

Jewsmedia?? - Please, Dan Rather, say it isn't so!

Imagine the difficulty of having to explain why Serbs would target American Synagogues to avenge the NATO bombing and the Serb loss of Kosovo. That might require a very public identification of the ethnic origins of Clinton's entire cabinet (with the exception of an obligatory Black and an obligatory lesbian) and his entire foreign policy team.

Why start the displaced outer party elites thinking about that?

Note well the process involved. First the local media and the local AP and UPI bureaus pick up the story from the police and fire blotters. Then the story goes out on the wires all over the world. The attached article was printed on CNN's electronic web site, so everyone in television has access to the story.

But nobody runs with it!

What this means is that about 100 network news and talk show producers see the piece and consign it to the cutting room floor.

I would suggest that this goes well beyond the operation of a shared evolutionary psychology. While it is likely that half or more of these producers would recognize the danger in such a story, it is clear that some planning and communication would be necessary to attain the unanimous compliance by all 100 or so of them.

And indeed, the deafening silence of the ADL, and Rabbi Foxman speaks volumes here.

The anti-defamation organs of the inner party are on constant lookout for current incidents that can be publicized to reinforce public perceptions of their "victim status". So compelling is this enterprise of publicizing victimhood that they have lobbied into existence a web of "hate crime" laws which cause law enforcement to note the "hate" charge right on the police blotter where cub reporters can easily identify them for their inner party bosses. This happy marriage between propaganda and law enforcement transforms incidents which would otherwise remain buried in the mass of simple vandalism or assault charges into a taxpayer financed propaganda gold mine.

It is inconceivable that the inner party anti-defamation organs failed to discuss and decide how to handle the burning of three synagogues.

It is possible that the anti-defamation organs fell silent and that all 100 or so producers recognized the absence of the usual ADL fax in their in-baskets as a signal. It is possible that they deduced from this silence that the story should be spiked, and not passed along to the outer party front men known as news anchors.

But it is far more likely that there were 100 or so ADL faxes in those in-baskets explaining that the story was dangerous and asking that it not be used.

The uniformity we see in the electronic media does not happen by accident.

And indeed, this tight control over what appears on the TV screen tells you volumes about social control in the American empire. The inner party does not care what appears in print, buried behind the front page of the newspaper, or posted on the internet.

Most people are very guarded about raising a subject in social discourse unless the final arbiters of "truth" speaking from inside that magic box in the living room have mentioned the subject and instructed us on how to feel about it. Absent the probability that one's fellow citizens have seen the report and know how to react, the subject simply does not qualify as "polite conversation" and will not be mentioned.

Few of us are rude enough to discuss a truth unremarked by the gods of the magic box.

But such assertive rudeness is the secret to power in a democratic society.


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June 18, 1999
Sacramento synagogues torched in 'night of fire'

Anti-Jewish, anti-NATO, pro-Serb leaflets found at scene

SACRAMENTO, California (CNN) -- Three Sacramento synagogues were set on fire early Friday morning, and anti-Jewish and anti-NATO literature, including a flier with the words "Free Serbia," was found at the scene of two of the blazes.

Police responding to a burglar alarm at one of the synagogues detained at least one person. Reuters reported that three other teen-age boys were later taken into custody for questioning, but said all four suspects had been released.

The fires, set within 35 minutes of each other, significantly damaged the Congregation B'nai Israel and Congregation Beth Shalom synagogues. B'nai Israel is the oldest Jewish congregation west of the Mississippi.

A library at the Knesset Israel Torah Center, containing materials relating to Jewish culture and history, was also gutted. No injuries were reported.

"I'm absolute utterly devastated by what's happened here. I just can't believe that this occurred in this age and time," said Jeff Aran, a member of B'nai Israel's board of trustees.

"To my shock, I saw what hatred had done," said Rabbi Brad Bloom of B'nai Israel. "This night was the night of fire in Sacramento."

Police: Attacks work of more than one person

Police said that the attacks appeared coordinated and, because of the timing and locations, could not have been set by one person. However, an official from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms refused to say definitively that the fires were connected.

"The fact that they were all set this morning within the same time frame, we'd have to assume (they were related). But until we get involved in the investigation, we don't know," said ATF agent Bill Newberry.

More than 20 ATF agents have joined the FBI and local and state agencies in investigating the fires. The federal Justice and Treasury departments have also sent a response team from the National Church Arson Task Force, set up after a recent rash of fires at African-American churches.

Flier blames 'Jewsmedia' for airstrikes

Sacramento County Sheriff's Department Lt. Jim Cooper told CNN that "racist literature" was found on and around the grounds at B'nai Israel, with "Free Serbia" on top of one of the fliers.

Investigators look for clues at the Knesset Israel Torah Center "The ugly American and NATO aggressors are the ultimate hypocrites. The fake Albanian refugee crisis was manufactured by the International Jewsmedia to justify the terrorizing, the bestial bombing of our Yugoslavia back into the dark ages," a flier read.

A similar flier was found at the Knesset Israel Torah Center by KOVR-TV.

"We are Slavs, we will never allow the International Jews World Order to take our Land," the flier read. "We fight to keep Serbia free forever."

Serbian Orthodox pastor denounces attacks

The pastor at Sacramento's only Serbian Orthodox Church denounced the attacks, noting that Jews and Serbs have historically had a good relationship.

"Our church and our people have nothing to do with this act of terror, this act of hate," said the Rev. Dobrivoje Milunovic of the Church of the Assumption. "Our prayers and thoughts are with the members of the Jewish congregations whose temples have been burned."

In April, the FBI investigated a Serb-language letter faxed to the Church of the Assumption, and other Orthodox churches, urging terrorist strikes on U.S. military installations.

First fire reported minutes after alarm tripped

Repairs to the Beth Shalom synagogue are estimated to cost around $100,000

A burglar alarm at B'nai Israel went off at 3:19 a.m. Police responding to the alarm saw four youths in the area, who ran when they saw the patrol car. One was caught and detained for questioning, but police are not calling him a suspect at this point.

At 3:24 a.m., the first blaze was reported at B'nai Israel, in downtown Sacramento. The second fire, at Beth Shalom, was reported about 25 minutes later, and the blaze at the Torah Center was reported 10 minutes after that. Both buildings are in the city's suburbs.

The attack is the second at B'nai Israel in six years. The synagogue was among the targets of firebombings aimed at minority groups in the city in July 1993. A 17-year-old white separatist was convicted.

The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.


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