On 26 Nov 2008, at 21:53, John Graybeal wrote:
would you agree that duplicating a massive set of URIs for 'local technical simplification' is a bad practice? (In which case, is the question just a matter of scale?)

You are asking me if 'local technical simplification' is a good reason or a bad reason for duplicating URIs? Uh, I guess it depends...

My point was this: The key benefits of URI re-use can also be obtained by minting your own URIs and linking them to existing URIs via adequate RDF properties. And that practice can have additional practical/implementation benefits (and costs). Hence, consider both options; there's no reason to knee-jerk against creating new identifiers.



John Graybeal   <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  -- 831-775-1956
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Marine Metadata Interoperability Project: http://marinemetadata.org

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