On 1/19/09 4:31 PM, Hugh Glaser wrote:
Don't know if it helps, but the equivalent of the LOD diagram is at
Although we don't know about the incoming links, such as the Pub Guide

Not very pretty aesthetically perhaps, but then there is a lot of linkage, 
which makes it very pretty to my eyes. :-)
I could simply put a version on the LOD page, if that was thought to be 


I am assuming this image basically mirrors the dataset links in your VoiD graph? Thus, a great VoiD demo to boot.


On 19/01/2009 10:47, "Tom Heath"<tom.he...@talis.com>  wrote:

Hi Hugh,

You're absolutely right, the datasets hosted at subdomains of
rkbexplorer.com should be broken out and displayed separately in the
diagrams. I would certainly guess it's not intentional omission, just
accidental. Perhaps running those SPARQL queries and circulating
neatly formatted results to this list and in particular to Richard,
Chris, Anja and Ted (as maintainers of various versions of these
diagrams) would help.

Looking forward to seeing them there in the diagram :)


2009/1/18 Hugh Glaser<h...@ecs.soton.ac.uk>:
Another interesting version of the diagram.
Good work.

However, it is a bit disappointing to see that the many sites at the 
rkbexplorer activity are treated as one node.
(Cathy Dolbear of the OS raised the strangeness of this quite a while ago on 
this list, in relation to connection from the Pub Guide appearing to be to 
things like dblp, and the complete lack of visibility of the 
AdminstrativeGeography data.)
In fact there are 39 often heavily interlinked sites on rkbexplorer.com, with 
external linkage links, as compared with 43 other sites on the whole LOD 
The linkage can be found by querying individual domains for their void 
descriptions, or all the void descriptions can be found at void.rkbexplorer.com:

PREFIX rdf:<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX void:<http://rdfs.org/ns/void#>
PREFIX scovo:<http://purl.org/NET/scovo#>
SELECT ?subjects ?objects ?stats  WHERE { ?crs void:subjectsTarget ?subjects . 
?crs void:objectsTarget ?objects . ?crs void:statItem ?item  ?item rdf:value 
?stats }

To http://void.rkbexplorer.com/sparql/ is a bit dirty but should do the trick.


------ Forwarded Message
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 14:34:05 -0000
Subject: [ESW Wiki] Update of 
"SweoIG/TaskForces/CommunityProjects/LinkingOpenData" by TedThibodeauJr

Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "ESW Wiki" for change 

The following page has been changed by TedThibodeauJr:


Clickable version of this diagram]. 
Blank version of this diagram] 
PDF version of this diagram]. Please visit the 
Data Sets] page for an up-to-date list of all published data sets.

+ [[Anchor(opl-dbpedia-lod-cloud)]]An 
[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/images/dbpedia-lod-cloud.html alternative 
clickable illustration of the DBpedia Cloud], presented by 
[:OpenLinkSoftware:OpenLink], shows the interconnections (and gaps) somewhat 
more clearly. Click the image for a node-clickable version.
  [[Anchor(umbel-lod-constellation)]] The figure below, 
[http://www.umbel.org/lod_constellation.html offered by the UMBEL project], 
shows (some of) the class-level interlinking of the data dictionaries (shared 
vocabularies, schemas, ontologies) associated with the data sets shown above.  
Click the image for a node-clickable version.


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