On 19/01/2009 21:51, "Kingsley Idehen" <kide...@openlinksw.com> wrote:

> On 1/19/09 4:31 PM, Hugh Glaser wrote:
>> Don't know if it helps, but the equivalent of the LOD diagram is at
>> http://www.rkbexplorer.com/linkage/crs-linkage-neat.png
>> http://www.rkbexplorer.com/linkage/crs-linkage-neat.svg
>> Or
>> http://www.rkbexplorer.com/linkage/crs-linkage-circ.png
>> Although we don't know about the incoming links, such as the Pub Guide
>> Not very pretty aesthetically perhaps, but then there is a lot of linkage,
>> which makes it very pretty to my eyes. :-)
>> I could simply put a version on the LOD page, if that was thought to be
>> acceptable.
>> Best
>> Hugh
> Hugh,
> Nice!
Thank you.
> I am assuming this image  basically mirrors the dataset links in your
> VoiD graph?
Yes - a result of the same queries that build the void rdf.
> Thus, a great VoiD demo to boot.
Very good point.
> Kingsley
By the way, it is not map of all equivalences.
A clear example is that the dblp.l3s.de links only go to our dblp. But from
there they go to citeseer, etc.
Similarly, although kaunas only connects to wiki, that would lead on to many
It is an artefact of our coreference identification exactly which
equivalences get recorded where (usually depending simply on what order we
found them in) - we deliberately avoid asserting all of them, so that we
have the true LOD challenge.


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