On Tue, 2009-05-12 at 07:09 -0400, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> Since libre.fm is just another linked data space, I would encourage 
> cross linkage via URIs.

We do!

As I said, when we can figure them out, we use dbtune.org/musicbrainz
URIs to represent tracks, records and artists; and we use
sws.geonames.org URIs to represent places. These URIs are included in
the RDFa (and thus in the other RDF serialisations which are generated
from the RDFa).

We also allow people to add a WebID to their profile, so that we can
publish triples along the lines of:

            <http://alpha.dev.libre.fm/user/tobyink#acct> .

The profile edit page includes a wizard allowing people to figure out
their WebID by providing a homepage, identi.ca account, FOAF file, etc.

We're publishing using FOAF, SIOC, RSS 1.0, Music Ontology, Events
Ontology and Dublin Core.

The main libre.fm server is currently down, but in the mean time, feel
free to peak at my local installation which is fairly representative of
the type of data published on the real libre.fm. (Though my local
database doesn't have as much musicbrainz data.)

N-Triples of my profile on my local installation:


I'm on #swig today if you have any suggestions for improvements.

Toby Inkster <m...@tobyinkster.co.uk>

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